
mexican fishing licenses on sale in Asuncion

shari - 9-13-2011 at 06:41 PM

I have very good news...I just got out of a meeting with the fonmar representative and monday he will be dropping off a booklet of mexican fishing licenses for me to sell.

I am proud to be the official fishing license salesgal here...finally after so many phone calls and emails to get this happening. So now you will be able to get a mexican fishing license here from me for a day, week or year and the funds will go directly into the local coffers for better inspection etc.

He also commented that they are really stepping up patrols and will be doing rotating surprise operativas everywhere, at the beaches and on the water checking that the boats have matriculas, permits etc. and the will be sanctioning folks resulting in fines or gear and boats confiscated....he seemed pretty serious about it.

He talked about the problems in other areas of gringos taking out tourists for gas money etc. and they are cracking down on this and will have immigration authorities involved as well...he was telling me how they catch them...pretty interesting stuff.

so this is such a relief to be able to get fishing permits locally now...more work for me but better for the fishers...I will be charging a small commission for each permit sold as suggested by the Fonmar guy.

Udo - 9-13-2011 at 06:51 PM

Thanks, Shari.
You are a princess!

woody with a view - 9-13-2011 at 06:57 PM

good on ya, sistah! i'd much rather have the money stay local. it's about time!


BajaDanD - 9-13-2011 at 07:05 PM

save 3 for me Ill be there Nov 3rd
Saves me a stop along the way.

shari - 9-14-2011 at 08:30 AM

it makes me feel good knowing I can contribute a little bit more to our baja sur fisheries programs by providing fishing licenses locally...I am getting a book of a hundred to start with and Sagarpa will be posting notices up around town warning people here that they need to have a mexican fishing license to sport fish too.

Bajagypsy - 9-14-2011 at 09:18 AM

Yeah!!!! Can not wait, I'm getting me a year long one when we are down in December!

bajaponderosa - 9-15-2011 at 06:49 AM

Shari, Do you still need permits for the Biosphere?
If so Where can you get them in GNegro?
Planning on fishing the coast in Oct. and want to make sure we are covered with the proper paper work. Already have Mexican fishing Lic.

CaboMagic - 9-15-2011 at 07:36 AM


Some of you may know from reading my/our posts over the years that purchasing license/s in the area 'you' are fishing in has been a sore point for us for exactly the reasons you highlight.

Really terrific for your region - that dinero can be utilized for its intended purposes ... Some may think our region has enough $$ flowing in - I am referencing specifically that $$ for licenses can then be allocated to the PESCA and related agencies that dont get a centavo from land sales, development etc.

Tremendous accolades 2ya are well deserved Shari!

shari - 9-15-2011 at 10:02 AM

thanks Magic...there are 2 types of Biosphere Reserve Permits you need in this area from Guerrero Negro-Mulege...a daily permit is 50 pesos (the bracelet) or a yearly "passport" is only 260 pesos and is good for a year in ANY Reserve in all of a better choice if you plan to fish, boat or kayak more than 5 days. The passport is available at Reserve offices and the one in Guerrero Nego is 2 blocks up off the main street....turn up at Lizardi Pizza...ask anyone for the reserva oficina...they are closed for a few hours at siesta though. If you want, I can pick one up for you when we go to GN next week and you can just pay me when you get here.

vacaenbaja - 9-20-2011 at 12:33 PM

Do you sell the annual permits or just the daily/weekly?

shari - 9-20-2011 at 05:31 PM

daily, weekly and annual mexican fishing licenses.

BajaDanD - 9-20-2011 at 10:59 PM

is anyone else having trouble getting on to Shari's website or is it just me

shari - 9-22-2011 at 08:51 AM

I just received the new mexican fishing permits. Anglers are allowed 10 points per day with fish like yellowtail, tuna, calico, bonita etc counting for 1 point each, dorado and wahoo are worth 2.5 each so you can get 2....for example you can get 5 yellowtail and 2 dorado or wahoo....billfish and sharks are worth 5 points each.
Spear fishers can get 5 points.

Fishing Permit Prices
Day............150 pesos
Week........300 pesos
Month.......420 pesos
Year..........550 pesos

Inspectors will be doing surprise spot checks and the fine for NOT having a license is 20-30,000 pesos and they can confiscate your boat and/or fishing gear. This is the important part....FINES ARE APPLIED TO THE OWNER OF THE BOAT!!! so make sure your fishing buddies have a current license.

(regarding our website, we are making a new template for the site so it is under construction but you can still access our old site through the address. We are changing our accomodation focus from B&B to a hotelito that will have 6 rooms overlooking the blowhole.)

[Edited on 9-22-2011 by shari]

[Edited on 9-26-2011 by shari]

amirravon - 9-22-2011 at 09:01 AM

Dear Shari. I have try to contact you via skype and phone yesterday. Do you know how to get a boat fishing permit for the Guadeloupe island ?

Thanks Amir

shari - 9-22-2011 at 09:09 AM

i have been in GN with Juan in the hospital the last few days...sorry I dont know how to get a permit for the island....try the CONANP website.

amirravon - 9-22-2011 at 09:18 AM

I hope everything is ok with Juan, I will try to call you again, Long time no see

BajaDanD - 9-22-2011 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by shari
i have been in GN with Juan in the hospital the last few days...

Is everything OK

boe4fun - 9-23-2011 at 09:48 AM

Hey Shari, Please give Juan our best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. We're sending lots and lots of positive vibes his way. I recently read that someone posted that a biosphere permit is not needed in Loreto if you can show proof of residence, does the same apply in Bahia Asuncion? If so, do I just have to carry a copy of the front page of our Fidiecomiso along with other pertinent documentation (fishing license, etc.)? Thanks, Paul & Shelley

shari - 9-23-2011 at 09:53 AM

thanks Paul....Juan is recovering nicely now...lots of rest for awhile.

One is exempt from having a biosphere reserve permit if your FM whatever shows you live in the you are off the hook amigo.

I called the Reserve office to find out if personal boats need to have a reserve permit and they are discussing it with the lawyers over the next couple days and we will see how it unfolds.

woody with a view - 9-23-2011 at 04:02 PM

what's up with Capitan Juan?