cftlet - 9-19-2011 at 01:13 PM
I just talked with afriend that just got back from L.B.. She told me that the road between Ensinada and El Rosario had rough road for about thirty
miles and they had two flats fixed at El Rosario. She also said there were a couple of other bad streches but she could no remember where.
We are headed south for the winter late Octoberwith a cargo trailer full of building stuff. Have any of you traveled this area lately? If so what
type of roads did you run into. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
rts551 - 9-19-2011 at 01:52 PM
Road construction south of Ensenada, Catavina, Jesus Maria.
DianaT - 9-19-2011 at 02:23 PM
The long side road for the work near Jesus Maria is the pits----take it slow. Going north, you can ride on the pavement, but also go slow as a few
people going south sneak up onto the pavement and it is only one lane. The other lane is completely torn up.
[Edited on 9-19-2011 by DianaT]
Bajatripper - 9-19-2011 at 08:49 PM
Just came through there last week. There are a couple of long stretches between El Rosario and Cataviņa that have loose gravel and such, on one
stretch we had to use the sideroad paralleling the Transpeninsular, which was dusty but not otherwise a problem.
That said, I can't imagine how your friend got two flats, I didn't notice anything particularly hazardous along any of that road.
gnukid - 9-19-2011 at 08:56 PM
Beer coolers are suffering overheating, seen quite a few running above 0 c.
tommybahama - 9-25-2011 at 10:06 AM
I will be driving from San Diego to LB on October 1st and returning on October 8th. I will report the current road conditions BOTH ways (if I get the
chance)! I wil be taking Mex 1 the entire way.
David K - 9-25-2011 at 11:08 AM
A reminder that Baja Nomad has a Road Conditions forum to quickly find posts about that!