
any where in the world

Santiago - 9-17-2004 at 06:42 PM

More like WHEN - Sea of Cortez in the 50s and 60s.

elgatoloco - 9-17-2004 at 07:18 PM

Alaska, Yukon Territory.

4baja - 9-17-2004 at 07:33 PM



Capt. George - 9-17-2004 at 07:39 PM

of Cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Capt. George - 9-18-2004 at 06:08 AM

Aahhh, Whistler,

You need to fish the flats of the Florida Keys where the bonefish all have an advanced degree in ballbreaking.....

Every bonefish here has been cast to no less then 6,241 times......hence my move to Baja.....Come here and fish with me, listen to me speak in "tongues" after hunting the ghost for a couple of hours..

Adios, su amigo el Vikingo


Capt. George - 9-19-2004 at 05:56 AM

I don't come cheap....

How about for you, FREE......

Next fall mi amigo!!!

el Vikingo

Skipjack Joe - 9-19-2004 at 10:05 AM


My favorite place is Christmas Island for bonefish. However, I would like a crack at the bones at Seychelles, but $6000/week is out of my price range.

gonetobaja - 9-19-2004 at 04:48 PM

Enchanted Islands BC Norte....

Skipjack Joe - 9-19-2004 at 08:43 PM


I agree completely about fishing without a guide. The fishing became a lot more fun after I got to fish solo. I just let my partner use our guide on the days it was my turn.

My favorite flat is submarine flat for large bones and consistency.

I also like 'Run Like Hell' flat, or something like that. Wait, let me look at my map. It's 'Go Like Hell' flat. On an incoming spring tide it fishes real well. I think Moana's Walk consists of fishing mainly this flat.

Lone Palm Y-site (not just plain 'Lone Palm') is also a good flat because it's gated off and few people bother to ask for the keys. So the bones are not as wary.

Finally, '9-Mile' flat has some really big bones. It's challenging. They run off the reef and rip your fly line on the edge of the coral. So I like it a lot.

Like you, I like Paris flats but it seems that someone is always there ahead of me. But I do like those sandy flats because the fish are easy to see and the fish are big.

These are all my favorites. But my all time favorite is the submarine flat.

Carolina Skiff

Capt. George - 9-20-2004 at 03:48 AM


Ran the new Skiff around the flats yesterday.....too cool!

Much different then the older Skiff, improved the hull, softer, dryer, still a Carolina Skiff but greatly improved..

Didn't even have the desire to fish, anxious to get "home". Maybe I'll look around today for some bones, perhaps I'll just bring some stones to throw at them.
Or even better, I'll bring a no catchem wand and a half dozen flies........

Still some beautiful places here in the Keys, but it lacks the peace of Baja.
Later amigo...........el Vikingo


Cardon Man - 9-20-2004 at 07:17 AM

Sekiu, Washington!!;D

Fish First

Skipjack Joe - 9-20-2004 at 10:57 AM

When I worked in SF during the dot com boom years I would drive to Fish First during my lunch hour.

I actually booked a trip to Christmas Island with them one year but the airline stopped their service that year due to some problems with saltwater getting into the fuel (they do a test every year and it failed). I now go through the MiniHotel.

Doug Lovell turned me on to Christmas Charlies that were eyeless and had very slow sink rates. I used that on very shallow water and it worked great.

Their freshwater fish report is probably the best in N Calif.

You know, I've never caught a really huge trevally. I've only caught the ones that went for my bonefish patterns. Boy, I've seen some big ones on the flats, though. I've had them come in and just destroy the bones I had just released. I always bring the big rod along but I get so intent on the bones I miss the trevallies when they show up.

Christmas Island Trip Report

Skipjack Joe - 9-21-2004 at 10:24 AM

This isn't about Baja, but since we are on the subject of Christmas Island I thought someone might enjoy a trip report of my first trip to this great bonefishing destination.

Christmas Island Vacation