
only one place in the world

David K - 9-17-2004 at 09:32 PM

I love surf fishing, just me and the waves with a bucket of mussel or grunion... at a LOOOONG sandy beach, that goes from Moro Santo Domingo to El Tomatal/Miller's Landing. The beach whistler told me he calls 'Variety Beach'... just north of Laguna Manuela!!!

Man, in the 1980's my dad and I just loved that place... Corbina, Croaker, Halibut, Calico Bass... the best!

Only One Place

Capt. George - 9-18-2004 at 06:10 AM


you know where I am and you know where I'm staying......

el Vikingo

Hi Glenn

Mike Humfreville - 9-18-2004 at 01:01 PM

Haven't met up with you in way too long. Once we're settled in Bahia, we'll have to meet in the middle somewhere.

My one place is Bahia de Los Angeles.

There's nothing better than watching the sun rise over the saddle Smith's Island with a 30 lb yellowtail trying to snap your line and tow my tiny boat into the depths.

rts551 - 9-18-2004 at 01:10 PM

Where ever there is fish... although you know where I am partial to.

JESSE - 9-18-2004 at 01:44 PM

Yeah like people are going to start telling everybody where their perfect spot is :lol:


Capt. George - 9-19-2004 at 06:04 AM

You ain't seen nothing yet, mi amigo.
Had to put extra springs in the 350 to
to carry the goodies I'm bringing down.

Hope to get something going with the "Capitalist" in the way of tackle supply to all our amigos.....Perhaps a place to hang out and talk fishing? In time.

Hope to be Westbound by Friday, we'll see......soon, soon!

el Vikingo

Taco de Baja - 9-19-2004 at 07:16 AM

A point in Baja I call "Pisces Point" b/c of the abundance of Halibut, White Sea Bass, Corbina, Sand and Kelp bass, Croakers, Sheephead.....

Sorry, I can not reveal its real name or location.... :P

rts551 - 9-19-2004 at 07:29 AM

Glenn - you are absolutley correct - although anywhere down there is great. Looks like as of this morning we won't get the worst of Javier. Maybe a little bit of rain to wash off the dust

the best

Martyman - 9-23-2004 at 04:37 PM

Campo de wakey bakey, baja.


Capt. George - 9-23-2004 at 05:02 PM

When you gonna be down?

We'll be there (hopefully) by Thursday,
bringing a 16 Carolina Skiff...
Been down recently???how's Arturo, Senor Ed, Bobby etc???

mi amigo y amiga Natcho y Adella????

see you y deborah

rts551 - 9-24-2004 at 06:59 AM


Was therre for the month of July.. and talked to everyone this week. Everyone is doing great. Should be there again next month.. See you then... Maybe we will catch the big one.
