
Info for Boaters

bajaguy - 10-22-2011 at 02:39 PM

An article in the Baja Western Onion, October 22, 2011:

"Information For Boaters - Courtesy Ventana View -

We were boarded on Sunday by the Mexican navy. They were very polite and helpful, and this is what we learned...

They check for fishing licenses, you must carry them as well as the original of your vessel license from your home Province / State.

They also want to see your ORIGINAL IMMIGRATION DOCUMENT (my caps) and a Temporary Import Permit for the vessel if it is OVER 4 Meters

The Temporary Import Permit may be obtained at Pichilingue, Port Authority ( Banjercito ) Take originals and copies of Passport, Immigration document, Vessel Permit, Trailer Registration and Outboard motor registration or Bill of Sale. The cost is $ 50.00 USD for 10 years. "

ncampion - 10-22-2011 at 03:03 PM

Where were you when you were boarded? SOC or West Coast?

bajaguy - 10-22-2011 at 04:18 PM

Originally posted by ncampion
Where were you when you were boarded? SOC or West Coast?

Twern't me, it was info posted from another site

bajabass - 10-22-2011 at 05:24 PM

I thought the need for a permit on a U.S. registered boat was dropped a few years ago????? Are you talking long term importation with an FM-2 or FM-3??? I was stopped out of La Paz, showed Cal registration, Mexican fishing licences, and all was good.

shari - 10-22-2011 at 07:41 PM

I was told by fisheries officials that any foreign boat over 4 meters fishing in baja ....yes even on vacation for a few days....needed the temporary import permit and that vessels owned by expats living in mexico needed to get a mexican matricula...meaning get registered in mexico. Dont forget you need licenses for everyone on board if there is any fishing gear on board the vessel.

Jack Swords - 10-23-2011 at 07:03 AM

Confusion about boat permits has been addressed before. Several years ago the boat permit required for any boat used for fishing in SOC was eliminated. Used to be that you needed fishing licenses for all aboard if fishing. You also had to have a boat permit for fishing. The boat permit for fishing was dropped several years ago. Fishing licenses, TIP still apply. We sail a sail boat, have the TIP, never got a "boat permit" nor fishing licenses as we don't fish (at least that anyone knows-diving for fish does require fishing license). Been boarded many times in SOC, treated well (except for those street shoes), no problems. This year is our 14th year spending winter on the SOC ( it the 13th?)

Pescador - 10-23-2011 at 07:38 AM

You can do this over the internet if you are in the US and they will DHL deliver your import permit to your residence. If you are already in Mexico, then it is easier to do this if you have an Aduana office in your town. In Santa Rosalia, we no longer have the office so it was good to have it done before coming down.