
Fishing Improves for “For Pets’ Sake” Fishing Tournament

bajainfo - 11-6-2011 at 04:38 PM

Our fishing continued at a good pace after last week's abrupt turnaround. Billfish action was only a few miles from the hotel. Our guys found ’em north at Punta Pescadero around the first line of shark buoys and only two miles from shore. The trick was to catch some of the bonito that gathered beneath the buoys, then immediately slow troll them, which attracted everything including blue and striped marlin, sailfish and dorado.

Meanwhile, the tuna action that has been so good most of the summer has moved further down the coast to the Gordo Banks in front of San Jose del Cabo.

Inshore action with light pressure is producing excellent catches of both roosterfish and jacks.

Last Sunday, our friends from Animal Lovers of Mexico Association held their annual sportfishing tournament that produced nearly 20 billfish and more dorado for the 10 local boats that participated in the event. Money raised goes for abandoned pets throughout East Cape.

The 7th annual
"For Pets' Sake" Fishing Tournament
Raising funds to spay and neuter the animals in and around Los Barriles
and provide pet food for those who can't afford it!

Totals for this week:
(R indicates Released)
1 Blue Marlin about 350-pounds R
1 Striped Marlin R
2 Sailfish R
49 Dorado
10 Snapper
5 Sierra
3 Cabrilla
11 Roosterfish
3 Jacks
Saludos, from Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort in sunny East Cape
Felipe Valdez

Marinero - 11-6-2011 at 08:29 PM

I don't mean to start a fight, but I have never belived that moderately controlled sport fishing harms a fishery compared to other threats. Pollution....commercial harvest...disruption of the food chain from whatever source. Certainly killing any fish impacts the species. But, is it significant compared to the problems wiping out our oceans?

rts551 - 11-6-2011 at 08:33 PM

not an expert, but for ten local boats isn't 49 Doarado a bit over the limit?

dtbushpilot - 11-6-2011 at 08:50 PM

10 boats, 2 1/2 anglers per boat (conservative) 2 dorado per angler.....sounds about right to me?.....dt

Cypress - 11-7-2011 at 06:28 AM

There's just too much pressure from both commercial and recreational fishermen. Too many people, too many boats, too many hooks, too many nets, helicopter and spotter planes, sophisticated modern electronics......