Originally posted by Eli
Dennis, I haven't heard from you in a coons age. Of course your most worthy comment justified a seperate reply.
If I were to name heroes who I respect more than anyone, who show me how to live, who give me a perfect example of joy of a simple life, I would have
to name Maria & Gloria as those people.
I assure you that they would be horrified at your perceptive of their life style. They don't see themselves as poor, anymore than I do. They ALWAYS
have a good nurturing meal on their table, (I have eaten with them many times, their home is my favorite place to get a good meal). They wear the most
beautiful clothes of anyone I have ever known, (except their little black plastic shoes are awful I must admit, they could buy Croc clogs for the
same amount, but it is not their habit yet to do so.) They have their own home, indoor plumbing with tp sitting next to the john. They sleep in a bed
with blankets. They have a burro to haul their clay. Their family and friends help with their harvest, which has been a good one the last two years.
They use a great and cheap public transportation. They have clean water from a village well pumped to their house. Their daughter/niece is in one of
the best high school's in their area and has a 9.6 grade average, (yes, she has a scolorship and support that found it's way to her via Maria &
Gloria's art). All of their needs are provided by their own hands. I challenge any of us to show their strenght, ingenuity and faith. What don't they
have, well they don't have a lot of stuff and I guess they are proof positive that one can have a good and fullfilling life without STUFF.