
San Felipe Trip Nov. 10-13

CortezBlue - 11-14-2011 at 05:30 PM

A short trip to our casa in San Felipe, but had a wonderful fun filled weekend with better weather than Phoenix!!

In an effort to try to find the shortest route I crossed at Los Algadones. It was the first time that I was stopped prior to crossing the border by the border patrol. As usual they were slow and did absolutely nothing. I even had my new Bombardier Outland in my Avalanche and they did not even ask to see my registration.

Crossing the border and driving the slow road to 2d to get to 5 to San Felipe. The good news is we missed the military check point at San Luis and didn't have to pay a toll, but that is not a big deal.

Had a few beers and Margs and dinner at Pete's Camp. Got to our casa and unloaded the Avalanche of all of our goodies.

Had a few more beers and called it a day.

Friday, we worked around the place sweeping sand from the patio and hanging out with my amigo Pe'pe.

He totally organized my garage in order to get the new Bombardier in the garage. Later we went on a 20 mile beach ride and then came back to get ready for our fiesta with our friends.

At 11 we called it a night.

Saturday, we went to the San Felipe Nursery and bought a bunch of Agave's and a new new Lime Tree.

The weather was perfecto, until about 3 or 4 when the clouds popped over the mountains and the wind started to blow.

We had a birthday party to go to and during dinner, it rained for a few hours.

When we got home it was still raining and rained during the night.

Sunday, we got up and contemplated calling in sick for Monday and extending our stay, but, decided we would just leave late. We took off at 1pm MST to get home in time for bed. We crossed at Calexico West using SENTRI and we hit the longest SENTRI line we have ever had, 30 mins.

The end to a fantastic weekend, but the good news, we will be back in 10, now 9 days!!:bounce:

El Vergel - 11-14-2011 at 08:21 PM

Thanks for the share!

Phil S - 11-14-2011 at 08:47 PM

"We're leaving Surprise Az in a.m. Ever gone through Calexico on your trips to S.F.? If so, what's your favorite?

CortezBlue - 11-14-2011 at 09:08 PM

My favorite is San Luis, if you are going to get there before 3pm

There is a brand new road that goes from I8 to San Luis.

It is SR195 (ArabyRoad)
If you take that exit you are 20 Minutes from San Luis

A quick right and you are on 2d about $1(12 pesos) and you are on a great road to 5 and south to San Felipe

Phil S - 11-14-2011 at 09:35 PM

Interesting. I'll look into it. thanks for that info.

mcfez - 11-17-2011 at 07:33 AM

Great report CortezBlue .

Hey....did they ever finished that sandbag house there at Pete's?