
Meet my brother the sensei and fisherman.

baitcast - 11-27-2011 at 08:25 AM

I would like to introduce you to my brother the sensei a very unusual guy,whats makes him so unusual? he only has one hand thats what!!

He,s been teaching the art for 29 years at his doja on overland west LA.,he works for the city parks and rec. three days a week.

Judo......third degree black belt.
Jujitsu...fifth degree black belt.
A couple more that I can,t spell or pronounce.

The whole family is belted,two sons,a daughter and his Filipina wife,he,s studyed in the art in Japan with one son.

He,s been able to compensate for his stump in most all situations,great pool player,prefers nine ball,enjoys fishing try this with one hand cast and retrieve,play a fish,super cook,the list goes on and on.

He at one time had three hands,the P-ncher type,a gross rubber with cold fingers,I would entroduce him to a stranger they would grab that rubber thingy and nearly faint and my favorite the pirate hook which he wore bar hopping,he finally got tired of them all,for many years he just goes with the stump.

We got onto a scuffle one nite at my place after to many beers
a real go around ended up in the front yard with half the neighbors watching during this thing he threw a punch and missed that stump went thru the wall and out the other side,my wife was fit to be tied.

Went out saddleback park to ride the bikes the next day,got the bikes ready to go put on my gear and discovered my head was so swollen I coundn,t get my helmet on so I spent the day watching.

Not only did I have a swollen head but a fat eye,my nose has never been the same since he told me later what a great time he had at my place,I still think I whipped his a$$.never tryed again tho.

Well here he is in all his glory,71 years old,my little brother Monte

[Edited on 11-27-2011 by baitcast]

DENNIS - 11-27-2011 at 08:41 AM

Hi Monte...
Great story. Thanks.

woody with a view - 11-27-2011 at 08:48 AM

must be a cool guy....

baitcast - 11-27-2011 at 09:52 AM

A cool guy indeed,took him to Gonzaga and BOLA many times and it was always good,you should him work a big corvina on the beach its a real education.

When i finally got a car topper it got a little scary because he's a pretty big guy and gets really excited with a big fish:lol:thought we were going over a few times:o

[Edited on 11-27-2011 by baitcast]

DianaT - 11-27-2011 at 09:54 AM

Great story--thanks.

And he looks very young for 71.

baitcast - 11-27-2011 at 10:09 AM

:rolleyes: Your right Diana,my wife just corrected me at the time it was taken he was 67 or 68,he still teaches that stuff,just blew out his knee last week,he doesn't know when to back off.

DianaT - 11-27-2011 at 11:05 AM

Originally posted by baitcast
:rolleyes: Your right Diana,my wife just corrected me at the time it was taken he was 67 or 68,.......

Oh, that is better. :lol::lol:

I have a feeling he will still look very young at 90 the way he is living his life.

wessongroup - 11-27-2011 at 02:12 PM

Thanks Rob .. can't brothers be fun ... liked the fight... WOW my brother and I used to go at it too.... great stuff thanks for sharing ... :):)

vgabndo - 11-27-2011 at 09:17 PM

Lost my kid brother a couple of years ago. GAWD that man loved to fish. Thanks for the story, I'm all choked up. I'm sure glad you've got him. I hope this doesn't feel like a highjack, just sharin' the love.:)

[Edited on 11-28-2011 by vgabndo]

Dan and Perry084x (Small).jpg - 39kB

Skipjack Joe - 11-27-2011 at 10:56 PM

No hijack, Vgabundo. We've all lost loved ones and know how it feels.

vgabndo - 11-28-2011 at 03:04 PM

Thanks Skipjack. Danny actually was filleting fish for the clients on the pier at Hazel's in Half Moon Bay before he was old enough to go out and deckhand on the cattle boats as a "master baiter".

If I recall there was absolutely no such thing as Maverick's back then. :lol:

OK surfing IS a highjack...I'm out.

[Edited on 11-28-2011 by vgabndo]

wessongroup - 11-28-2011 at 03:09 PM

Ain't that the truth ...