
Tails Tails Tails!!!!

shari - 12-4-2011 at 06:30 PM

the week started out great with some big yellowtail and the bite continues throughout the week...but today capped it off perfectly. Our amigo Dave from San Quintin and Surfdoc Stannibuns had their way with some big tails today and limited out on nice big fish...Stan's biggest fish yet this season and he was grinning like a gargoyle! Most of these fish are gonna be smoked up for Sirena's wedding and BBQ'd...a big ole sashimi plate & some gift bags for family and friends...serious noodle arms!

oldman - 12-4-2011 at 06:43 PM

wow sharie awsum thanks stan is looking good there,,,, nice fishhhhhhhhh keep it up,,,,,,,,,,oldman

BornFisher - 12-4-2011 at 06:58 PM

Well it sure beats tales, tales, tales!
I was told once that December is a primo month down there because of the days without wind. This was from fishermen at the Sac Reef, just south of Punta Baja.
WTG everyone, "Oh Doctor! You can hang a star on that one", (Padre talk, ask Stan!).

KASHEYDOG - 12-5-2011 at 10:17 AM

Now that's some nice tail.....:yes:...:lol:... Thanks "shari". I'm gonna have to get down there and see you guys next year when I get retired.......Do you guys take on novices ...:?:..

[Edited on 12-5-11 by KASHEYDOG]

baitcast - 12-5-2011 at 01:42 PM

I can relate to some tail barely,nice new slant haven,t seen it before,would love to sample:lol:

acadist - 12-8-2011 at 08:11 PM

Nice fish Stan!!!

BajaRat - 12-8-2011 at 11:41 PM

Oh Stannibuns, Oh Stannibuns, How the fish don't but we miss you. HO HO HO B!:cool:

shari - 12-9-2011 at 07:59 AM

Dear Mr. SantaRat....please put some magnum 30 exraps green and blue mackeral on our xmas list(and a case of Noche Buena). Silly boys only had 50 lb test on this week and lost a few lures...last night we respooled all rods with 80 lb cause those buggers are gettin bigger by the minute!

[Edited on 12-9-2011 by shari]

Pacifico - 12-9-2011 at 08:55 AM

Dang Shari! You're killing me.....We will be back next year for sure! By the way, I found one of Juan's lures that he lent me...I promise to return it!

Nice yellowtail Stan!!!

durrelllrobert - 12-9-2011 at 10:14 AM

Geat photos. Shots focusing on the tails are certainly more impressive than those focusing on the heads.:spingrin: