
News Flash: Mexico's next president is a reader!!!

Dave - 12-5-2011 at 09:41 PM

Just kidding. :rolleyes:

The front-runner in Mexico's presidential race stumbled in a high-profile way at a world-class book festival on Saturday, when, over several minutes, he appeared unable to correctly name a book that's influenced his life, besides the Bible.

He also confused the names of two well-known Mexican authors, Enrique Krauze and Carlos Fuentes, in a four-minute episode that ended with the candidate red-faced, saying, "The truth is, when I read a book I often don't fully register the titles."

Peña Nieto's gaffe at the Guadalajara International Book Fair -- a deeply respected cultural platform in Mexico that is billed as Latin America's largest literary event -- continued resonating on Monday, with Peña Nieto defending himself in several tweets.

Adding to the embarrassment, Peña Nieto's teen daughter, Paulina, used a slur and a separate offensive term for poor people while defending her dad in two late-night tweets. Paulina's Twitter profile has since disappeared, and her father issued an apology Monday morning.

The episode has sparked a flurry of reaction on social-networking sites, including satirical "trending topics" on Twitter, such as #LibreríaPeñaNieto, or "Peña Nieto's Bookstore." Users are inventing the titles of books the candidate has "read" full of political mocking and double or triple meaning.

Woooosh - 12-5-2011 at 09:46 PM

"It's better to look smart than to be smart"

Mengano - 12-5-2011 at 10:34 PM

This is what his daughter twittered:

A greeting to the bunch of @ssholes, who make up the spawn and only criticize those they envy!

BajaBlanca - 12-6-2011 at 08:43 PM


wessongroup - 12-6-2011 at 09:08 PM

Looks like a little media training is in store for both ... just saying ...

Thanks Dave... don't usually get to much on Mexican politicks .. Good to see they suffer the same as we NOB ... :lol::lol: