
TWs 2011 B1K Trip

TMW - 12-19-2011 at 02:40 PM

My son and grandson flew out from Colorado to join me for the Baja 1000 race. I picked them up at the San Diego airport on Wednesday afternoon and off we went to Ensenada.

On Thursday we spent the day roaming contingency row with all the street vendors and looking over the race entries as they lined up for tech inspection. This would be the best the bikes, cars and trucks would look because on race day many will break down and those that don't will know they've been thru hell and back. Thursday evening we attended the driver/riders meeting at the convention center.

Friday morning we were up early for a 6:30 am start of the bikes. We missed the first 6 or so bikes by the time we got near the starting line. The crowds were growing as the bikes left the line. I asked one ATV rider how long he expected it to take him to finish and he said he should be back the same time tomorrow, 24 hours.

After the last ATV we went to breakfast then loaded everything in the truck and checked out of the hotel. At about 11am we started for the starting line of the Trophy Trucks. As they started we move down the street to Lopez Mateos where they round the corner and head for the arroyo. After about a 12 trucks go by everything stopped. After a while we see Sal Fish in an SUV followed by the rest of the Trophy Trucks and a police truck. Into the arroyo they go with us following on foot. There talk in the streets of a re-start so we thought it must be down the arroyo somewhere and maybe caused by flooding in the arroyo. After crossing a couples more streets one of the spectators said there was a tractor trailer truck jack knifed on the race course. At this point we get in my truck and head out of town for the Borrego pit area.

We got to Borrego just after the first 2 or 3 bikes came thru for the second time after the San Felipe loop. We stayed and watched the rest of the day and well into the evening. We were next to the McMillin pit when Andy came in and they had problems with the seat when Scott got in and the delay allowed a couple of trucks to get by them. Andy was not too happy as one could tell. But it would turn out OK for them as they would win. Later we moved away from the race course and set up camp for the night.

The next morning we could still hear race vehicles going by. WE went into San Felipe for breakfast at the El Cortez. While dining outside we noticed what appeared to be a kayak race of sorts going on. One of the timers was on the beach just below us. After breakfast we stop by El Commandante Locos place for a dip in the Sea of Cortez. Afterwards we headed for Gonzaga Bay and on to Cocos. He was in high spirits. There were several others there and a party atmosphere was in full force.

Leaving Cocos we took the BOLA hwy to Laguna Agua Amargo dry lake and go north to Bahia Guadalupe. We missed the trail to the left and ended up south where on the maps it shows Mesa de Yubay to the ocean. There is an abandoned ranch of sorts there with a coral still in tact. My GPS said this was not Guadalupe and it did not match the Google Earth pictures. It was near dark so we set up camp for the night. The stars were out in the clear sky but it was windy. We had a great time telling ghost stories to Patrick, my grandson.

The next morning we explored the area and I spotted a while object to the north. It looked like a water tower so we headed for it on an existing road. It was a marker like for mining claims. Past it we turn east on another road and bingo here is Bahia Guadalupe. Beautiful long sandy beach. Caves in the hill side and a shrine. There was a run down building and a van that appeared someone had at one time lived in it. Later we go back out and found where we missed the turn. There is a tire at the junction. Off to BOLA and a shower at a camp site north of town.

We leave BOLA for the Pacific side. I take the turnoff at KM271 and pick up the road to Bahia Blanco. We didn't have any firewood left so I find some dead cactus and cow pies to burn. My grandson had never seen cow pies used for a fire. During the night it started to sprinkle. Dark clouds were moving in from the west. It never rained much. The next morning I tried my hand at fishing but never got a bite. I think the water was too rough with the storm stirring things up.

We start north up the coast. Beautiful beaches all the way. From San Jose to the hwy the road is well graded. It must of rained pretty good because there were several places with water in the roadway and lots of mud. It was hardpack so getting stuck was not a problem but it was slick as grease. Out to the hwy north of Catavina and after a stop at mommas for dinner in El Rosario it's on to Ensenada for a night at hotel San Nicolas. We crossed the border at Tecate without any problems Tuesday morning.

Pictures to follow.

TMW - 12-19-2011 at 02:42 PM

At the Ensenada Inn.

The winning truck.

Behind the scenes.

TMW - 12-19-2011 at 02:45 PM

Up early for the bikes.

At the start line.

Waiting in line.

The last ATV.

[Edited on 12-19-2011 by TW]

TMW - 12-19-2011 at 02:51 PM

Nice Truck.

The local favorite.

A kayak race.

A dip in the water.

bufeo - 12-19-2011 at 02:52 PM

Nice report, TW. Thanks for posting it.

Allen R

TMW - 12-19-2011 at 02:56 PM

South of Bahia Guadalupe.

The caves at Guadalupe.

The fish camp.

The Shrine.

The road out.

TMW - 12-19-2011 at 03:00 PM

The beaches north of Bahia Blanco.

More Beaches.

San Jose south.

San Jose north.

Typical sign in the area.

scouter - 12-19-2011 at 03:01 PM

Cool shots , great you got to go with your Boys.....
thx for sharing....

David K - 12-19-2011 at 06:19 PM

Very nice Tom!!!

Curt63 - 12-19-2011 at 07:50 PM

Great job TW. Youre one hell of a Grandpa!

So Very Nice!

El Vergel - 12-20-2011 at 12:19 PM

Great Trip Report, TW! Looks like lot's of fun was had by all. Great pics! Thanks for the share, Tom....awesome stuff!

bajadock - 12-20-2011 at 08:32 PM

ILIKEY mucho mas. Very much appreciate trip reports these days and especially enjoy the nice photos of fun. Thanks, TDUB

wessongroup - 12-20-2011 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Curt63
Great job TW. Youre one hell of a Grandpa!


Ken Cooke - 12-20-2011 at 09:42 PM

This looked like a fun week in Baja! Thanks, Tom!!