
Holiday fishing and party report!

shari - 12-22-2011 at 10:15 PM

The weather has smartened up just in time for the holiday is fine...yellowtail are still biting and the village is filling up with family and friends coming to be together.

We finally had the pleasure of meeting Nomad Udo & his wife in person and have really enjoyed their company...not to mention helping them on the maiden voyage of their new's a double kayak with pontoons, sail, peddle gear and a motor which I think could double for a blender for margaritas as well! I was really impressed how versatile it is and easy to put together and sail.

Udo and his lovely wife did it up right and christened it with champagne...which we made mimosas with after they left on their voyage out to Asuncion Island.

Bajafam arrived last night too and today we welcomed them with our traditional lobster burritos and crab which the kids liked playing with as much as they liked eating it. We had a wonderful day on the beach and watched Udo sail his new boat around...then gathered with some more nomads at our place for an amazing dinner of sashimi and roast elk that Lionel brought.

It's been a great time with our pals here the last few days and more are arriving every day in preparation for the wedding and Christmas. We wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday.

vgabndo - 12-22-2011 at 11:55 PM

Wow, I FEEL it. We're so sorry we won't be with you at the same time this year. Springtime, me thinks...

BE SAFE. Have fun. Happy days to all. HO HO HO

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woody with a view - 12-23-2011 at 06:18 AM

you guys are too much! too much fun for one pueblo!!!!

shari - 12-23-2011 at 06:57 AM

Perry & Woody...we sure wish all our amigos could be here together this time of year but we sure are thinking about you all and mentioning you at our know who you are! Gotta run to pick up tiomiguel in Vizcaino coming in on the bus...all you La on the lookout for Udo in his toyota fabulosa with the Hobie contraption up top!

Pacifico - 12-23-2011 at 08:09 AM

Merry Christmas to you, Shari and Juan! We look forward to seeing you next year!

boe4fun - 12-23-2011 at 09:24 AM

May you all have a Cheerful Christmas, Nifty New Year, and a Wonderful Wedding!

shari - 12-23-2011 at 09:15 PM

gracias was a big party for my one year old niece Faviola and my brother and his family got into town just in time for it...tomorrow is our xmas burro BBQ here with the family and amigos...traditional xmas at mi cunadas casa, christmas day turkey at Nan & D's...then a blitz to get ready for the wedding!!!

wishin all our amigos a most happy holiday and look forward to hangin with ya in the new year!

Iflyfish - 12-23-2011 at 10:54 PM

Originally posted by vgabndo
Wow, I FEEL it. We're so sorry we won't be with you at the same time this year. Springtime, me thinks...

BE SAFE. Have fun. Happy days to all. HO HO HO

Happy Holidays Amigo!!


shari - 12-24-2011 at 08:17 AM

I am always so amazed at the incredible parties parents throw for their one year olds! Faviola's theme was Dora the Explora and the disco was pretty packed...loud all sugared up running around like screamin banshees, ladies chatting, lots of food getting served, stacks of presents, and of course a couple pinatas.

It was nice that our family from Guerrero Negro & Canada showed up as well as some of the local nomad amigos. Here are some highlights of the bash.

nearly ready for today's next party!!!