
The myth of the happy Mexican

Mengano - 12-25-2011 at 11:51 AM

MÉXICO, D.F.- En México, una de cada 10 personas que acude a los servicios médicos de atención primaria padece depresión. Sin embargo, la enfermedad no es detectada a tiempo. Sólo una de cada cuatro personas con este trastorno mental recibe algún tipo de tratamiento, y con frecuencia éste consiste en medicación.

De acuerdo con un documento de la Comisión de Salud del Senado, la depresión afecta entre 12 y 20% a personas adultas, es decir, entre 18 y 65 años.

MEXICO, D.F. - In Mexico, one of every 10 persons who comes for primary medical care suffers from depression. However, the illness is not detected on a timely basis. Only one in four person with this mental disorder receives some type of treatment, and frequently this treatment is only medication.

According to a document from the Senate Commission on Health, depression affects between 12% and 20% of adults, those between 18 and 65 years of age.
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Just for comparison, in the US, it is estimated that 6.4% of the population suffers from depression during any 12-month period and 56.8% of those are receiving treatment. So Mexicans suffer from depression at more than twice the rate in the US, and it is treated only one-half as often. The myth of the happy, friendly Mexican is just that, a myth.

DENNIS - 12-25-2011 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Mengano
Only one in four person with this mental disorder receives some type of treatment, and frequently this treatment is only medication.

Only meds?? If it's real, clinical depression, therapy won't touch it. Try to talk away a broken arm.
How about some electroconvulsive therapy? Yeah...there ya go. After a few sessions of that, one wouldn't even remember he was depressed.....or much else for that matter.

Everybody has a certain degree of depression. It's part of life....the ups and the downs. The trick for a therapist is to establish clinical depression and that's hard to do. Probably more than a short visit for primary care will allow.

bajabass - 12-25-2011 at 12:26 PM

Glad it is not contagious!:barf:

DENNIS - 12-25-2011 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by bajabass
Glad it is not contagious!:barf:

Ohhh, but it is. If you want to know what depression feels like, hang around with depressed people. One tends to adjust to the to speak.

greengoes - 12-25-2011 at 12:41 PM

Thats depressing.

That BAD Feeling

MrBillM - 12-25-2011 at 06:44 PM

Depression vs. Delusion ?

Awhile back, on a first visit after a G.P. change, the Delhi Doc asked if I suffered from any Depression.

"Well, YEAH, don't MOST people" ?

She then offered that medication was available and wanted to launch into a clinical discussion.

I said "So, IF I have a valid REASON to be depressed over a Valid situation, Physical Illness or otherwise (Like B.O and his Merry Band ?), it should be treated with medication to make me delusionally HAPPY" ?

"Well, IF you're having trouble dealing with it, YES".

"But, that wasn't the question. Yes, I'm Depressed at times. NO, I don't have trouble dealing with it".

She hasn't asked again. She did say once that I have a sarcastic nature. I told her she would probably NOT be surprised to know I've heard THAT before. Starting back in Elementary School.

Maybe sooner, but I don't remember.

People need to just deal with their problems, don't whine and move on.

Or, if the problem is generated by someone else, pop one in their ear if you think you can get away with it. You'll feel better.

Merry Christmas.

BEAUTIFUL Day here. After an Inspirational a.m. in Church and a traditional Turkey Dinner (at Denny's), I spent an inspirational afternoon cleaning out the garage to clear my depression. Now being able to get a car in there once more, I FEEL So Good.

Who needs Meds ?