
Iphone 4 Unlocked

blueyz44 - 12-26-2011 at 06:06 PM

Does anyone know of someone in La Paz that can unlock an Iphone 4? Any and all help would be appreciated!!!

Wally - 12-27-2011 at 08:53 AM

From PC mag:

1. Jailbreak Your iPhone

Apple iPhone owners fall neatly into two groups. Members of the first group suffer under the yoke of tyranny, endure arbitrary rules over what they can and can't do, and put up with crappy reception (be careful how you hold that thing).

Members of the other group have jailbroken their phones, hacking iOS whatever to get to features, apps, and carriers that are otherwise verboten. There are many ways to unlock the uber phone, but by far the easiest is with Jailbreakme. Simply visit the site from your iPhone's Safari browser, and you're done. It also works on the iPod Touch and the iPad--but only if your hardware uses iOS 4.01 or an earlier operating system.

Why this is awesome: Let us count the ways: (1) No more AT&T. You may be able to use your iPhone with other GSM-based telecoms such as T-Mobile. (2) No restrictions on the apps you can use. The Cydia store features dozens of apps that work exclusively on jailbroken iPhones. (3) Have we mentioned no more AT&T?

Why you shouldn't do it: It's a constant game of cat and mouse between Apple and the jailbreakers, and Apple is the cat. Eventually the cat will win and your jailbreak will fail, possibly leaving you with a pretty paperweight (and no warranty). Also, you'll make Steve Jobs sad.

Also: They now have unlocked iPhones though, so if you specifically look for "unlocking" solutions as opposed to "jailbreak" solutions, I think you will be fine.

[Edited on 12-27-2011 by Wally]

funkynassau - 12-27-2011 at 09:33 AM

My son jailbroke his iPhone and 99.9% of the time it works just fine for him. The other .1 % of the time weird stuff happens like he doesnt get his text msgs or the voice will fail and he cant hear you. It happens rarely so he doesnt worry about it.

iPhones are cool, my husband has one too, but I like my android.