
Trip to Dentista - back from Tijuana

Ken Cooke - 12-28-2011 at 11:30 AM

Piggybacking from the thread I started one year ago;, my Wife and I found that it was time to follow up on referrals and leads that this wonderful forum had provided us. On the 22nd, we left for Tijuana, traveling down I-15, we found ourselves in San Ysidro 2 hrs later - I love being so close to Mexico!:yes:

After a 10 min. taxi ride from inside the border to the spacious Villas de Santiago Inn - Soler, I paid for 2 nights stay at $58 US, and we waited until the next day for our consultation with Dr. Sergio Gomez at the CLINICA DENTAL CENTRO just steps from the TIJUANA WAX MUSEUM at the base of the Tijuana Arch.

Our consultation turned out to be what we had suspected - Maxillofacial Surgery was needed, not dentistry. :no:

Fortunately, the Antibiotics that Leidys had been taking helped dull the pain, and reduce inflammation. She is feeling much better, now. Our plan will be to await an appointment close to home (Riverside). We definitely had an adventure, being that most Dentists would not schedule appointments until after the new year.

What about our two nights at Villas de Santiago Inn? It turns out that we only used one night, and were given a one night voucher - hopefully to be used after our participation in Dia de los Reyes - - FdT's Annual gift-giving event!:bounce:

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the original Dentistry thread - I printed the information and will keep it on file. Dr. Gomez asked who referred us, and we told him - "Blanca" not remembering her surname. Dr. Gomez then said, "Ahhh, Blanca from La Bocana."

EnsenadaDr - 12-28-2011 at 04:26 PM

Umm...what type of maxillofacial surgery did you have...sort of reminds me when I went to the gynecologist and he told me I needed a hysterectomy in Ensenada because of a tumor...($2600 American) and hightailed it out of there for a second opinion...whereby the other gynecologist I went to said, "WHAT tumor??":fire:

Ken Cooke - 12-28-2011 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Umm...what type of maxillofacial surgery did you have...

My Wife is still in need of Oral Dental Surgery. Antibiotics along with a recent tooth cleaning has helped with her pain - enough so that we were able to enjoy Christmas with our friends!

I will arrange an appointment with a local Oral/Dental Surgeon soon. This exact treatment was prescribed by a local Dentist, and Dr. Gomez confirmed this. His 30 years of experience and professionalism were both obvious and helpful as Leidys and I were both concerned about her health and well-being.

Christmas with (Carribean-Colombian) friends:bounce:

EnsenadaDr - 12-28-2011 at 04:41 PM

she sure is have a lovely family!!

Ken Cooke - 12-28-2011 at 04:57 PM

Thank you, and Happy New Year!:yes:


Ken Cooke - 1-20-2012 at 03:49 PM

Today, Leidys had her appointment with a local Maxillofacial Surgeon. The Surgery lasted a whole 30 minutes, and she is now at home recuperating. Thanks again for everyones help with finding a Dentist in the Tijuana area. We are glad that we had so many, "Second Opinions."

Leidys recovering at home

Leidys pre-Surgery statement

Ken Cooke - 1-20-2012 at 04:01 PM

Hoy tengo la cirujia de mis dos muelas de juicio tengo un poco de nervios pero tengo mucha f'e en Dios de que todo va ha salir muy bien.

Mulegena - 1-20-2012 at 04:03 PM

Rest up, sweetie.

You'll be flashing that "Zillion Watt" smile again soon!

David K - 1-20-2012 at 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
Hoy tengo la cirujia de mis dos muelas de juicio tengo un poco de nervios pero tengo mucha f'e en Dios de que todo va ha salir muy bien.

"Today I have my two surgery trial wheels have a bit of nerves but I have lot f' and in God that everything will go very well."

Tell her we wish her a speedy recovery!

Ken Cooke - 1-20-2012 at 05:11 PM

Thanks David and Mulegena. Leidys is doing much better, watching "El Gordo y La Flaca" at the moment.

BAJACAT - 1-20-2012 at 08:58 PM

Ken I can belive, she let you take that picture and post it, amigo, you are a brave man,unless Leidys dosen't know about it hahha.

BajaBlanca - 1-20-2012 at 10:18 PM

Ken ! I had not seen this post before - we were so sick with the flu the whole month of dec., that I hardly logged on ...

Samuel Gomez (Sammy) has been my dentist forever (and my kids' and my mom's and now Les's too. We have known each other for over 20 years and his whole family - uncle and aunt and 2 cousins and he come out here at least once a year to fish. they are the coolest family in the world !

I sure wish Leidys a speedy recovery and I agree with Baja Cat - did she really ok that picture ???!!! or did u sneak it in hahaha

Islandbuilder - 1-20-2012 at 10:46 PM

Ken, I'm glad you've turned that miserable corner! Health and healing ahead. Not sure about how you'll survive when your wife sees the pic you posted...........:spingrin:

Ken Cooke - 1-20-2012 at 11:41 PM

The way it works in Colombia is, after a major operation, you take pictures of the patient AWAKE/ALIVE to prove to friends and family that nothing went wrong. Yes, I was asked to take these two pictures in order that her friends and family would see that she SURVIVED her Surgery and is well. She even wanted pictures taken at the Surgery Clinic, but I told her, "No, that would be too much." She was happy to show everyone her progress and her family back in Barranquilla could see how she looks after her ordeal.

Islandbuilder - 1-20-2012 at 11:49 PM

Sounds like you're in the clear then! Phew!

BajaBlanca - 1-21-2012 at 08:59 PM

poor thing ... major surgery is no cakewalk....