

vseasport - 1-2-2012 at 07:30 AM

The East Cape fish report for the last week of the year is pretty grim. The north winds gave us a break for a couple of days but the fish did not.

Reports from the handful of charter boats that fished off shore was the water is off color, cold and lacking life. The 32 contestants that fished the beach in Felipe Valdez's annual sierra tournament only accounted for one fish.

On a brighter note lets talk about what was.

My old man started me fishing on half day boats at six years old. It was time spent with my dad that I will never forget. I'm certain that is part of the reason I have so much passion for sportfishing fishing today.

In 2011 we were fortunate to introduce fishing the Sea of Cortez to more young people on our Jen Wren boats then ever before. Each youth parted with a positive experience and memories they will always remember. I believe this will have a life-long impact on their lives.

It gives me great personal pleasure to help provide the experience, share in the excitement and see the smiles on young faces. After their return home from vacation, it is very rewarding to hear back from parents about how their kid could hardly wait to share their fishing experience with friends and also wrote school reports about their adventure. Posted are a few photos of such good times.

Then .... some kids just never grow up.

Mark Rayor

durrelllrobert - 1-2-2012 at 11:40 AM

enjoyed all your pics of the childrens smilling faces

dtbushpilot - 1-2-2012 at 11:41 AM

Nice post Mark and great pictures, thanks for posting.....dt

Loretana - 1-2-2012 at 05:48 PM

Excellent post, and I loved your photos!

bacquito - 1-5-2012 at 10:12 AM

Looks like all had a good time!