
Family Planning in Tijuana

Ken Cooke - 1-4-2012 at 04:59 PM

In order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, specifically in the adolescent population, the doctor attached to the service of planning family of Hospital General of Tijuana, Elio Durán walls, urged the population to seek counseling on family planning methods.

The implant filled is the most requested through family planning consultation, followed by the intrauterine device (IUD).

Elio Duran urged the community to seek counseling and guidance in health centres, where trained staff will suggest to the contraception right method according to its condition of health, age and number of children.

He indicated that an unwanted pregnancy may lead to complications in various aspects, whether within a social, family, school or professional, in addition to the risks in the health of the binomial (mother and child), as: prematurity, congenital malformations, among others.

Through the health centres and in the general hospitals the Gynecology-obstetrics services in the region, offers free guidance to the population about family planning methods.

Monthly placed an average of 40 methods of family planning through the outer query.

Being the implant filled in greater demand in the adolescent population, Elio Durán, pointed out that there are contraindications to its placement as: being pregnant, smoking too much and have a history of circulatory problems.

By supplying a hormonal method in a person with circulatory problems, is leads to the formulation of clots, which is recommended after medical advice.

Condoms, IUD, hormonal and copper, injections, pills, implant filled, vasectomy and salpingoclasia, are the methods of family planning which gives the Ministry of health.

You will "method depend on the choice of every woman, which is why we recommend you go in the first instance with the family doctor for a prior guidance", he concluded.