
New Year fishing report from Asuncion

shari - 1-5-2012 at 11:34 AM

the year is starting out oh so fine here in Asuncion. It's getting up to around 80 degrees, no wind, gorgeous days and evenings and big a$$ yellowtail all over the place! We got lots of nomads hangin around, bajarat and his clan, birddog, tiomiguel, cisco, arturo plus the locals so we have been having lots of BBQ's, campfires with reems of oysters, some dancing and lots of laughs.

Yesterday Stanibuns calls me to come down with my camera..holy smackin fish lips...he got a 41 and a 43 pound yellowtail...real fatties and he's one happy guy!

Then Juan gets in with Birddog and Tiomiguel who all have fish over 30 pounds and one real honker who ends up beating out Stan's weighs in at 44.3 pounds...Denny's personal best ever!

Michelle reeled in a 42 pound fish herself...buff chick that she is!

And even tiomiguel managed to pull in some respectable fish.

Everybody enjoyed posing with the big fish, huge sashimi platters got devoured and when I went to bake one of the sides of fish, the dang thing wouldn't even fit in our big oven!!!! yeah baby...good times in Asuncion!

sure is a great start to 2012!

Skipjack Joe - 1-5-2012 at 12:52 PM

We're having a drought year north of the border. That's why you're getting the great weather.

jakecard - 1-5-2012 at 05:45 PM

Good show!


Udo - 1-5-2012 at 05:51 PM

Great fish, Juan y Shari!

woody with a view - 1-5-2012 at 07:03 PM

making me decide, surf or stretching fish lips.

BajaBlanca - 1-5-2012 at 07:27 PM

great photos !! those are some BIG fish !!

vgabndo - 1-5-2012 at 07:33 PM

Who is the "poser" in the next to last photo? Too cute!

[Edited on 1-6-2012 by vgabndo]

shari - 1-5-2012 at 08:38 PM

Perry...we miss ya man....the Poser is Erin of BajaRat and what a character she is!!!

Woody...yesterday was a 9' swell that the guys surfed past my window out here in Ensenadita and supposed to be 11' on the weekend....woo hooo! excuse the crappy lense just aint long enough but you get the general idea eh!

woody with a view - 1-5-2012 at 08:52 PM

oh jes! i'm finishing up at work. unable to get down there this week. after the 13th i'm waiting for King Neptune to smile. maybe able to help you get south to "you know where".

shari - 1-5-2012 at 09:19 PM

hey Woody, that would be terrific...Ken & Alex were here for the wedding...awesome to see Alex all grown up...they are you know where aso maybe we can go there for a quickie visit and Juan can meet us there too!

did ya notice some of the surfer kids were just in board shorts? the water isnt too bad

[Edited on 1-6-2012 by shari]

AlanDow - 1-5-2012 at 09:58 PM

Shari, I am amazed both by the size of these fish and that the yellow tail fishing is still so good there into January. Had I known that, I might have tried to plan our trip to Asuncion a few weeks sooner and planned to do some fishing (monster haulin) with Juan.

Oh well, I guess if we are real lucky I suppose there is a chance the yellow tail might still be around when we arrive in Asuncion in three weeks. Either way we are looking forward to our visit to Asuncion.


shari - 1-6-2012 at 08:40 AM

Alan...there are big yellowtail around till the end of February so you may be hauling in one of these bad boys yet! Maybe it will be you who gets the 50 poundar!!!

The kids are having a blast surfing these days in front of your place too! It's gonna get to 12' tomorrow which will be spectacular...and get my windows all salty.

We'll be visiting the gray whale nursery early next week and will let the whales know you are on your way too! Really look forward to seeing you.

boe4fun - 1-6-2012 at 11:45 AM

Holy Cow! Everything a guy could ask for and here I am stuck in Margaritaville with a case of bronchitis. Oh well, I can only hope that the jurel will hang around until March. See you all then.

acadist - 1-14-2012 at 07:18 PM

Great job Stan!!!