sanquintinsince73 - 1-9-2012 at 06:18 PM
18 year-old female brutally murdered in San Quintin (translate please)...
ENSENADA.- La Subprocuraduría de zona informa sobre el hallazgo de una persona sin vida, en hechos ocurridos el 8 de enero en San Quintín.
Se reportó a las 10:00 horas que se encontraba el cadáver de una mujer en un terreno baldío, ubicado entre las calles Lázaro Cárdenas y Del Polígono.
Al lugar se abocaron agentes de la Policía Ministerial del Estado (PME), personal de Servicios Periciales, Semefo y el agente del Ministerio Público
quien dio fe del deceso de quien en vida llevó el nombre de Micaela Andrés Francisco, de 18 años de edad.
La occisa vestía una sudadera a cuadros color violeta con negro, pantalón de mezclilla azul y calzado blanco. Como señales de violencia presentaba
múltiples heridas de arma punzo cortante en: tórax, brazos, manos y espalda.
El cuerpo fue levantado del lugar a efecto de que le sea practicada la necropsia de ley.
Mengano - 1-9-2012 at 07:22 PM
Ensenada - The deputy attorney general for the area reported on the finding of a lifeless person, in events that occurred January 8th in San Quintin.
It was reported that the body of a woman was found at 10AM on a vacant lot, located between calle Lázaro Cárdenas and calle Del Polígono.
Agents of the State Ministerial Police, Investigative Services, and coroner were at the scene, and it was the agent of the public prosecutor who
announced the death of Micaela Andrés Francisco, 18 years old.
The deceased was wearing a violet and black sweatshirt with square designs, blue jeans and white shoes. The body showed signs of violence of multiple
knife wounds in the chest, arms, hands and shoulder.
The body was taken from the location to perform the autopsy required by law.
DENNIS - 1-9-2012 at 07:42 PM
A few more of these NOB copycat events and people will quit mentioning them. Then we can get back to Nirvana Tourism as it should be.