
The business of poaching

Mengano - 1-23-2012 at 01:38 AM

From this week's Zeta magazine:

Los traficantes de especies marinas obtienen 33 millones en ganancias sólo en Puerto San Carlos

Los cargamentos ilícitos de productos marinos en extinción nunca son interceptados, por el contrario, siempre llegan a su destino sin haber sido detectados por alguna autoridad. Permisionarios y cooperativistas denuncian: “Los pescadores furtivos nos tienen amenazados de que si hablamos, nos van a levantar y a matar, porque estaríamos poniendo en riesgo su negocio”.

En una noche, los pescadores furtivos capturan lo que permisionarios y cooperativas tienen autorizado captar en todo un año.

Traffickers in marine species earn 33 million pesos just in Puerto San Carlos.

The illegal cargoes of endangered marine products are never intercepted, on the contrary, the always arrives at their destination without being detected by any authorities. Licensees and cooperatives report: "The poachers have threatened us that if we talk, they will kidnap and murder us, because we will be putting their business at risk."

In one night, the poachers capture what the licensees and cooperatives are authorized to capture for the entire year.

dtutko1 - 1-23-2012 at 06:28 AM

There was a vendor that came by yesterday selling langosta from Mag Bay area for $250p/kilo. Thought that was exceptionally cheap. Didn't have room in the frig so i passed.

Mula - 1-23-2012 at 06:42 AM

That's a great price = we paid 300 pesos a kilo in Lopez this week-end.

Were they really small?