
Op-Ed: Why are Canadians still flocking to Mexico?

Mengano - 1-24-2012 at 08:56 AM

By Arthur Weinreb

Sheila Nabb, who was found badly beaten in an elevator in a five star hotel, is just the latest Canadian to become a victim of violent crime while staying in a luxurious Mexican resort.
Sheila and Andrew Nabb left winter in Calgary behind and flew south last Thursday. Early Friday morning, Sheila, bloodied and badly beaten, was found in an elevator of the Hotel Rui Emerald Bay in Mazatlan.

The 37-year-old health care manager is now in a medically induced coma at a Mazatlan hospital. Her uncle, Robert Prosser, was quoted in the Vancouver Sun as saying,
It could be a month before she is fit to return to Calgary for further treatment. They're going to have to wire her jaw shut, put plates in where her cheeks were and lots of reconstructive surgery.

According to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, 112 Canadians lost their lives in Mexico through accidents, murders, or suicides during the last five years.

There is no doubt Mexico is an extremely violent country. It is one thing if a Canadian travels to or lives in an area where drug cartels battle for control and murders are an everyday occurrence. It is quite another when tourists like Nabb become victims of violent crime within the confines of luxury resorts.

On the morning of Nov. 14, 2010, a blast ripped through the Grand Riviera Princess Hotel in Playa del Carmen. Five Canadian tourists and two Mexican employees were killed.
After the explosion, various theories were put forward as to the cause of the blast. After an investigation, it was determined that a gas pipeline had been extended to underneath the area of the hotel's lounge. The extension was not only unauthorized but illegal.

A Canadian who had left the hotel before the explosion told CBC Radio that he "smelled some sort of gas the whole time he was there."

If anything should have made Canadians think twice about visiting Mexico, it was the murders of Dominic and Nancy Ianiero.

The Woodbridge, Ontario couple were in Mexico with several family members to attend the wedding of their daughter. They were staying at the Barcelo Maya Beach Resort, a five star hotel near Cancun.

On Feb. 20, 2006, their bodies were discovered in their hotel room. Their throats had been slashed. But the Mexican authorities acted quickly and came up with suspects.

Later on the day the bodies were discovered, police announced they were looking for two Canadian women. Blood of the victims was supposedly found in their room which was possible as the women walked passed the Ianieros' room when there had been blood in the hallway. And, they had "fled the country" the day after the murders. Actually their vacation was over and they returned home on their scheduled flight.

Mexican authorities asked the Canadian police to investigate and they did, although no one in Canada seriously believed they had anything to do with the murders. The Canadian media even jokingly dubbed the two from Thunder Bay, Ontario, "the killer moms." Yet the two women went through hell, having to hire a lawyer while police at least superficially investigated them. They were eventually cleared but not before then Mexican president Vincente Fox got in on the act and said they were the killers.

Although other suspects have been named, there have been no arrests and the murders remain unsolved.

Despite what seems like a rash of violent crimes, not just in Mexico but in five star hotels where tourists expect to be safe, Canadians still go to the country in droves. In 2010, 1.6 million Canadians visited Mexico; double the number that went five years ago, a year before the Ianieros went to attend a wedding and ended up being brutally murdered.

Yes, Canadian winters are harsh and Mexico is relatively cheap. But there are other southern destinations that appear to provide protection to tourists, at least when they are in their five star hotels. How many people will have to end up like Nabb or the Ianieros before Canadians decide that a Mexican vacation is too risky?

If enough tourists stayed away, perhaps Mexico would be forced to better protect the country's tourists.

danaeb - 1-24-2012 at 09:13 AM

Do the math:

In 2010, there were five suspicious deaths and two murders of Canadians in Mexico. (See below from National Post)

In your cited article above, 1.6 Canadians visited Mexico in 2010

7 / 1,600,000 = .0000043

Maybe Candians in Mexico aren't as intimated as this writer (and you, maybe) think they should be.

"According to Foreign Affairs Canada, 112 Canadians have been killed in accidents, murders, drownings or suicides since Mexico started an aggressive war against its various drug cartels in Feb. 2006. From that number, 15 Canadians were murdered or died in suspicious deaths.

Nov. 14, 2010: An explosion at a Cancun resort kills five Canadians and two employees. Seventeen people were reported injured. Mexican authorities say that the explosion was caused by an accumulation of natural gas beneath the hotel, however a spokesperson from Mexico’s environment ministry said that this was unlikely.

Oct. 30, 2010: Daniel Dion of Ottawa disappeared during a business trip on Oct. 22. Dissatisfied with the Canadian consulate and local police, Mr. Dion’s relatives decided to start their own search for Mr. Dion. His family and found the 51-year-old’s body in the trunk of a car that had been torched near Acapulco. They had used the vehicle’s GPS to locate the sight. Mexican police confirmed that he had been kidnapped."

[Edited on 1-24-2012 by danaeb]

Ateo - 1-24-2012 at 09:21 AM

I feel stupid for even hitting "reply" to this topic.

[Edited on 1-24-2012 by ateo]

Bajajorge - 1-24-2012 at 10:08 AM

Look at the thermometer at this time of year.

thank you, eh?

mtgoat666 - 1-24-2012 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Mengano

thank you, chuck levitin.

always good to know you are thinking about our neighbors to the north!

bajabass - 1-24-2012 at 10:14 AM

Your altruism knows no boundries! Now the Canadians can be saved also!!

Mengano - 1-24-2012 at 11:18 AM

Originally posted by danaeb
Do the math:

In 2010, there were five suspicious deaths and two murders of Canadians in Mexico. (See below from National Post)

In your cited article above, 1.6 Canadians visited Mexico in 2010

7 / 1,600,000 = .0000043

Maybe Candians in Mexico aren't as intimated as this writer (and you, maybe) think they should be.

You know, Daneb, I fully realize that many people who use this message board are not highly educated. I am not holding it against you. There are some very highly educated people here who are absolute dolts when it comes to anything that requires using your brain. Take Professor Tim Meixner, PhD. for instance. He posts here as mtgoat666. Let me show you, if I may, how far off you and Professor Mexiner are in understanding the numbers.

Let us take it for granted that only 7 Canadians were murdered in Mexico in 2010. Let us also take it for granted that 1.6 million Canadians visited Mexico in 2010. OK? Are you with me so far?

Now, we have to consider that those Canadians went down there for a vacation. The typical vacation in Mexico lasts one week. So, in order to determine the equivalent fulltime population of Canadians in Mexico, we have to divide 1.6 million by the 52-weeks in a year.

1,600,000/52 = 30,769. So there were 30,769 fulltime equivalent Canuckians in Mexico in 2010.

Homicide rates are reported as homicides per 100,000. The homicide rate in Canada is 1.9 per 100,000. That is to say, there are 1.9 homicides in Canada for every 100,000 FULL TIME CANUCKS living in Canada.

Now let us compute the homicide rate for Canadians in Mexico:

7/(30,769/100,000) = 22.75 per 100,000. So, now that the numbers have been laid out so that even a PhD. professor in geology could understand them, you can see that Canadians when in Mexico are murdered at a rate that is 12 TIMES GREATER than when they are at home in Canada.

David K - 1-24-2012 at 11:44 AM

Wondering why someone who 'hates' Mexico so much is on a Baja travel web site to try and 'fear' away travelers to Mexico? Is it a mission you are on to punish the people of Mexico by reducing the tourist dollars coming south? Aren't there Mexico hate forums you would be better received at?

I suppose there are some Baja Nomads who like what you are doing, as they like keeping the peninsula just to themselves... less is best, etc. ? However, there is plenty of Baja for all Nomads to enjoy and bring their friends and family, too. It is God's gift to us, the Baja Peninsula... a magic place.

deportes - 1-24-2012 at 11:52 AM

What makes it worst it that this people are on vacation in resort areas that should be a lot safer than other more populated areas of the country, not good news for Mexico!

paranewbi - 1-24-2012 at 01:29 PM

Ah yes, but...
At any given moment a person standing occupies app. 1 square foot of space.
If 1.6 million people occupy 1.6 million square ft. at a given moment
and 7 people occupying 7 square ft. at another moment,
with 100% of the people dying in that 7 square ft.,
then the other 1,599,993 square ft. are totally safe.
I say stay away from that 7 square ft. in Mexico and you should be doing ok.

I spaced it out so it was easier to understand for the idiots who just don't get it.

paranewbi - 1-24-2012 at 01:32 PM

It is said we only use a fraction of the ability of our brains.
That means I have enough brains for all of us
stop worrying.

DENNIS - 1-24-2012 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by paranewbi
It is said we only use a fraction of the ability of our brains.
That means I have enough brains for all of us
stop worrying.

My're pushing the "troll" buttons. :?:

Ô Canada! Terre de nos aďeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!

mtgoat666 - 1-24-2012 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Mengano
Originally posted by danaeb
Do the math:

In 2010, there were five suspicious deaths and two murders of Canadians in Mexico. (See below from National Post)

In your cited article above, 1.6 Canadians visited Mexico in 2010

7 / 1,600,000 = .0000043

Maybe Candians in Mexico aren't as intimated as this writer (and you, maybe) think they should be.

You know, Daneb, I fully realize that many people who use this message board are not highly educated. I am not holding it against you. There are some very highly educated people here who are absolute dolts when it comes to anything that requires using your brain. Take Professor Tim Meixner, PhD. for instance. He posts here as mtgoat666. Let me show you, if I may, how far off you and Professor Mexiner are in understanding the numbers.

Let us take it for granted that only 7 Canadians were murdered in Mexico in 2010. Let us also take it for granted that 1.6 million Canadians visited Mexico in 2010. OK? Are you with me so far?

Now, we have to consider that those Canadians went down there for a vacation. The typical vacation in Mexico lasts one week. So, in order to determine the equivalent fulltime population of Canadians in Mexico, we have to divide 1.6 million by the 52-weeks in a year.

1,600,000/52 = 30,769. So there were 30,769 fulltime equivalent Canuckians in Mexico in 2010.

Homicide rates are reported as homicides per 100,000. The homicide rate in Canada is 1.9 per 100,000. That is to say, there are 1.9 homicides in Canada for every 100,000 FULL TIME CANUCKS living in Canada.

Now let us compute the homicide rate for Canadians in Mexico:

7/(30,769/100,000) = 22.75 per 100,000. So, now that the numbers have been laid out so that even a PhD. professor in geology could understand them, you can see that Canadians when in Mexico are murdered at a rate that is 12 TIMES GREATER than when they are at home in Canada.

yes, all well and good, but
william shatner was born in canada,
each canadian eats an average of 190 eggs/year,
there are an estimated 830,000 moose in canada, and
i don't have a phd

p.s. if 1.6M canadians visited mexico in 2010, then that was 4.7% of the population of canada (given canadas population is 34 million -- i read it on the internet, it must be true)

p.p.s. The USA was by far the number one choice of places for Canadians to visit, followed by the United Kingdom and Mexico.
Top 10 Countries Visited by Canadians
Country of origin, Nights Spent, (thousands)
United States, 130,801
United Kingdom, 11,608
Mexico, 11,146
France, 9,287
Cuba, 6,136
Dominican Republic, 5,871
China, 5,452
Italy, 3,836
Germany, 3,526
Netherlands, 2,094
Source: Statistics Canada, Canada at a Glance 2009, 2007 data

Mengano - 1-24-2012 at 01:56 PM

paranewbi - 1-24-2012 at 02:12 PM

Lets see...
If 1.6 million canucks spent a week average ("The typical vacation in Mexico lasts one week")
then of the 1.6 million weeks or 30, 769 years,
there were 7 bad weeks to be in Mexico.
When drawn to its final numerical conclusion from a time continuim base which Mengano tied into.
there were 49 bad days (the 7 dead at 1 week each) out of 11.2 million days (1.6 million at 7 days each) to be in Mexico for those poor Canucks.
Thats a little bit of high math to me, but me thinks it comes out to less than a second of bad moment for each day in Mexico.

paranewbi - 1-24-2012 at 02:15 PM

I spilt my beer once in Mexico and it took several moments to clean it up.
I think I'm good to go for a life time.

mtgoat666 - 1-24-2012 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by paranewbi
I spilt my beer once in Mexico and it took several moments to clean it up.
I think I'm good to go for a life time.

was it a Molson?

redmesa - 1-24-2012 at 03:05 PM

Annual murder rate: This is why Canadian's don't have a problem with Mexico. I was raised in Texas and spent my young adult years in Houston. I was very close to being murdered several times there and scared all the time.

Atlanta - city, 80 murders. Atlanta MSA (metropolitan statistical area), 325 murders
Baltimore – 238 city, 298 MSA
Boston – 50 city, 111 MSA
Dallas/Ft. Worth – 210 city, 310 MSA
Detroit – 365 city, 447 MSA
Houston – 287 city, 462 MSA
Indianapolis – 100 city, 111 MSA
Jacksonville, FL – 99 city, 120 MSA
Kansas City – 100 city, 163 MSA
Las Vegas – 111 city, 133 MSA
Los Angeles – 312 city, 768 MSA
Miami - 59 city, 377 Miami to Boca Raton corridor
New Orleans – 174 city, 252 MSA
New York City – 471 city, 778 MSA
Orlando – 28 city, 111 MSA
Philadelphia – 302 city, 436 MSA
Phoenix – 122 city, 302 MSA
San Francisco – 45 city, 292 MSA
St. Louis – 143 city, 210 MSA
Washington, DC – 143 city, 325 MSA

tiotomasbcs - 1-24-2012 at 03:14 PM

Who is this sweet and caring guy Mengano? Fulano?? Were you assaulted in Baja or Mexico? I try not to read much of the negative stuff but I'm curious. Even DavidK makes sense in his opinion. Sorry/not. Tio

homicide in canada

mtgoat666 - 1-24-2012 at 03:26 PM

In 2010, police reported 554 homicides in Canada, 56 fewer than the year before. This decline follows a decade of relative stability. The homicide rate fell to 1.62 for every 100,000 population, its lowest level since 1966.

The overall drop in homicides was driven largely by fewer incidents in the western provinces. With 35 fewer homicides in 2010 than in 2009, the rate in British Columbia fell to its lowest point since the mid-1960s. Police in Alberta reported 18 fewer homicides, while those in Manitoba reported 12 fewer.

Despite declines, the highest rates of homicide in 2010 were in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Homicide rates have been generally higher in the western provinces and northern territories than in the eastern part of the country for many decades.

Police in several of the nation's largest census metropolitan areas reported substantially fewer homicides in 2010. The homicide rate in Vancouver, with 25 fewer killings, fell 42% to its lowest level since data in metropolitan areas became available in 1981.

Thunder Bay recorded the highest homicide rate for the second year in a row. The next highest rates were in Saskatoon and Regina.

Ateo - 1-24-2012 at 03:32 PM

I don't get why someone would spend so much of their time posting negative articles about Mexico when it's obvious it's not wanted here (correction, it is wanted by some, maybe many?). I'm fine with the actual news coming out and absorbing the reality of crime -- but hunting and searching for negative articles on random websites to post on a board that is 90% against these posts is a little freaky.

[Edited on 1-25-2012 by ateo]

DENNIS - 1-24-2012 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by ateo
Yeah, I don't get why someone would spend so much of their time posting negative articles about Mexico when it's obvious it's not wanted here. I'm fine with the actual news coming out and absorbing the reality of crime -- but hunting and searching for negative articles on random websites to post on a board that is 95% against these posts is a little freaky.

Everything you said there is boolchit. Shame on you for that.
All articles on Mexico and comments on such are what this place thrives on.
"Hunting and searching for negative articles??' WTF is that? It's called research. How can you fault this?

You---ATEO----have to readjust your method of belonging here. We all try our best to accept well researched facts and methods to retrieve them, and mengano does his best to follow that guideline.
We can't begin to segregate information according to your discomfort level.

Personally, ATEO....I enjoy your input here and I hope it continues, but it probably won't if you continue to make efforts to run the show.

JoeJustJoe - 1-24-2012 at 04:07 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by ateo
Yeah, I don't get why someone would spend so much of their time posting negative articles about Mexico when it's obvious it's not wanted here. I'm fine with the actual news coming out and absorbing the reality of crime -- but hunting and searching for negative articles on random websites to post on a board that is 95% against these posts is a little freaky.

Everything you said there is boolchit. Shame on you for that.
All articles on Mexico and comments on such are what this place thrives on.
"Hunting and searching for negative articles??' WTF is that? It's called research. How can you fault this?

You---ATEO----have to readjust your method of belonging here. We all try our best to accept well researched facts and methods to retrieve them, and mengano does his best to follow that guideline.
We can't begin to segregate information according to your discomfort level.

Personally, ATEO....I enjoy your input here and I hope it continues, but it probably won't if you continue to make efforts to run the show.

Dennis what's "boolsh*t?"

Dennis said:You---ATEO----have to readjust your method of belonging here. We all try our best to accept well researched facts and methods to retrieve them, and mengano does his best to follow that guideline.

Mengano does his best to follow the guidelines!!!!!


[Edited on 1-25-2012 by BajaNomad]

rts551 - 1-24-2012 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by David K
Wondering why someone who 'hates' Mexico so much is on a Baja travel web site to try and 'fear' away travelers to Mexico? Is it a mission you are on to punish the people of Mexico by reducing the tourist dollars coming south? Aren't there Mexico hate forums you would be better received at?

I suppose there are some Baja Nomads who like what you are doing, as they like keeping the peninsula just to themselves... less is best, etc. ? However, there is plenty of Baja for all Nomads to enjoy and bring their friends and family, too. It is God's gift to us, the Baja Peninsula... a magic place.

To be fair, this web site is more than just a "travel web site" (although some people try to guide it otherwise).

Ateo - 1-24-2012 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS

You---ATEO----have to readjust your method of belonging here. We all try our best to accept well researched facts and methods to retrieve them, and mengano does his best to follow that guideline.
We can't begin to segregate information according to your discomfort level.

Personally, ATEO....I enjoy your input here and I hope it continues, but it probably won't if you continue to make efforts to run the show.

Personally DENNIS, you got me all wrong. Let me repeat - all wrong. I stated I don't mind negative articles, this isn't MY site and I'm not trying to run the show. I laughed when i read that! Comedy gold.

Seems like someone with 80-100 post per day would be seen as trying to run the show. But we know you're not trying to run the show (let's be honest with ourselves here), you just make comments - just as I was doing. I'm not asking for segregated info. I'm not scared of Mexico.

ALL I WAS SAYING is it seems strange that someone with a perceived hatred of Mexico would spend so much of his time posting negative story after negative story. He's free to do so and I got nothing against him, just think its a little tired.

David K - 1-24-2012 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Mengano

One thing to quote 666... but to quote him quoting that I said something about a lava flow near Ascuncion [SIC], (it's spelled Asuncion)... (which I don't ever recall did), is just wrong. :yes::smug:

BajaNomad - 1-24-2012 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Mengano

Professor Tim Meixner, PhD.... posts here as mtgoat666.



There are some very highly educated people here who are absolute dolts when it comes to anything that requires using your brain.

Apparently it's a contagion here. :wow:

Ateo - 1-24-2012 at 05:51 PM

Dennis, after reading my post, I think I could've come off like I was saying Megano's posts are "not wanted here". =)

Maybe that's where you got the whole me "trying to run the site" thing. Just seems like there have been past posts saying "don't feed the troll" and others saying to ignore the posts and that's what I was talking about.

Looking at the comments, there are plenty of those that like this "statistics about dead people" in Mexico I officially retract my 95% disapproval stat. =)

Maybe Mengano can give us some statistics on those who love his posts and those that don't.

David K - 1-24-2012 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by rts551
Originally posted by David K
Wondering why someone who 'hates' Mexico so much is on a Baja travel web site to try and 'fear' away travelers to Mexico? Is it a mission you are on to punish the people of Mexico by reducing the tourist dollars coming south? Aren't there Mexico hate forums you would be better received at?

I suppose there are some Baja Nomads who like what you are doing, as they like keeping the peninsula just to themselves... less is best, etc. ? However, there is plenty of Baja for all Nomads to enjoy and bring their friends and family, too. It is God's gift to us, the Baja Peninsula... a magic place.

To be fair, this web site is more than just a "travel web site" (although some people try to guide it otherwise).

Uh huh... its about many things, like making friends with other Baja travelers and residents, too... and information exchange... some of us do try and help others and act friendly... and don't let politics dictate who you 'nice to'. I do like to give what I have accumilated in my memory and collections as well as the other stuff... and even though I have tried to be friendly, it is a struggle with the few who like the confrontation and drama the Internet seems to spur on. But, as always I am here and if you or any Nomad needs help and I can provide it, I will always try and assist.

DENNIS - 1-24-2012 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by ateo
He's free to do so and I got nothing against him, just think its a little tired.

Tired?? Tired of what? Making you think? Mengano [?] should be on the payroll here for his efforts to bring current interest to the site. It's negative in nature...yes, but it's all true supportd by references. How in hell can you say this is wrong? It is WTF it is....and any effort to refute facts are efforts to buy the lie.
Don't do that here, ateo. You'll end up with those Rosarito apologists who have no sense of truth.

Mengano - 1-24-2012 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
Apparently it's a contagion here. :wow:


Ateo - 1-24-2012 at 07:01 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by ateo
He's free to do so and I got nothing against him, just think its a little tired.

Tired?? Tired of what? Making you think?

That's more comedy. I love to think. I love reason, I love learning, and I love searching for the truth. My view is Mexico has its risks, like everything in life, but those risks are more than worth taking.

It's about "_________ "

wessongroup - 1-24-2012 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by rts551

To be fair, this web site is more than just a "travel web site" (although some people try to guide it otherwise).

Spot on .... :):)

DENNIS - 1-24-2012 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by rts551

To be fair, this web site is more than just a "travel web site" (although some people try to guide it otherwise).

Explain yourself, Ralph. Quickly. Mengano is hovering above your most personal thought processor. :lol:

DENNIS - 1-24-2012 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by ateo
My view is Mexico has its risks, like everything in life, but those risks are more than worth taking.

Well said. Thanks.

A vacation to sunny Mexico? Safety-wise, you could do a lot worse

windgrrl - 1-25-2012 at 08:29 AM

From the Globe & Mail:

"Mexico has an image problem.

The country does its best to promote itself as a magical place for vacationers to revel in sun-drenched beaches, archeological marvels, cultural delights and mouth-watering cuisine.

But lately, when many Canadians hear Mexico they think drug wars and the resulting bodies of police, judges and bystanders piled up in the streets. They think of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu epidemic, which prompted international travel bans.

And they think of the strange and disturbing incidents involving attacked and murdered Canadians, such as Sheila Nabb of Calgary, who Monday emerged from a medically induced coma and is breathing on her own after being found in a Mazatlan hotel elevator a few days ago, beaten so badly she’ll undergo facial reconstruction this week.

More than 22 million foreigners visit Mexico each year – in 2010, more than 1.6 million were Canadian, up from about one million in 2006 – but how dangerous is it?

Statistics reveal that Mexico is not the most crime-ridden sun destination in the Americas. According to the United Nations 2010 global study on homicide, Mexico’s murder rate per 100,000 people was lower than that of Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominican Republic, Belize, Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Panama, Brazil, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Jamaica and El Salvador.

The attack on Ms. Nabb came after two Canadians already had been murdered in Mexico this month.

“These incidents, although very unfortunate, are infrequent,” insists Rodrigo Esponda, who directs the Canadian branch of the Mexico Tourism Board. “The majority of international and national tourists, when they travel around Mexico, their experience is very positive.”

The numbers, and ensuing media attention, appear to be tainting Mexico’s sunny image.

A Leger Marketing survey in 2010 found that 39 per cent of Canadians had a favourable impression of Mexico, compared with 47 per cent who had an unfavourable view. By comparison, 61 per cent of those polled had a favourable view of Brazil, while just 17 per cent had a negative perception.

The same year as the survey, 23,000 stories were published in the Canadian media about Mexico, but just 20 per cent were favourable. At the same time, 9,600 articles ran about Brazil and 29 per cent were favourable.

Recent violence against visitors to Mexico has officials once again on the defensive, anxious to protect an industry that is the fourth-largest component of the country’s gross domestic product and was worth $11.8-billion (U.S.) in 2010.

The crime associated with the drug cartels is still mostly confined to Mexican cities near the U.S. border such as Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez. The latest Mexican government report found that almost 80 per cent of all homicides connected to organized crime took place in just 6 per cent of the country’s municipalities.

Ottawa has warned vacationers not to go to the border areas due to the “extreme levels of violence,” but also reminds them to “exercise a high degree of caution due to a deteriorating security situation in many parts of the country.”

On top of the two [one was a drug dealer] murdered Canadians this year, another five visitors have been assaulted, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Last year, six Canadians were murdered and 50 were assaulted, the highest numbers of victims of serious crime in one year since 2000.

When Louis Durocher and his wife, Carole, residents of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., heard what happened to Ms. Nabb, they cancelled their Mexican vacation, which was to be spent at a resort 15 minutes from where the attack occurred, and booked a flight to Cuba.

“We had a discussion. We said, ‘Do we want to go on a vacation and enjoy ourselves without any worries?’ ” Mr. Durocher said. “When you go on vacation, it’s to relax and leave your worries behind, not bring them with you.

“We came to a conclusion that [Cuba] was a lot better for our security,” he added.

The United States remains the No. 1 destination for Canadians, with almost 20 million overnight visits in 2010, while Mexico is a distant second and Cuba is third, according to Statistics Canada.

Since 2005, 41 Canadians have reported being assaulted while visiting the United States and 40 Canadians have been killed while visiting there, according to Foreign Affairs. Over the same time period, one Canadian had been slain in Cuba and 69 have been assaulted.

Other sun spots popular with Canadians also have not been immune to crime. Since 2005, the Dominican Republic (fifth in popularity) had 59 cases of Canadians assaulted and 13 murders, while Jamaica (ranked 13th) saw 36 assaults and eight murders.

The Mexico statistics for that same time period are striking in comparison. It had the highest number of assaults – 194 – but with 24 murders, it was not as deadly as the United States.

Yet Mexico remains a popular destination for Canadians, who have made the trek there in increasing numbers every year since 2006. About 50,000 Canadians expatriates live there.

Garry and Lee Finell and their 13-year-old son, Grayson, started visiting Mexico about six years ago and have travelled to Los Cabos, Rivieria Maya and Mazatlan, including since 2009, four stays at the Hotel Riu Emerald Bay, the same resort where Ms. Nabb was found.

The Edmonton family, who recently returned from a two-week visit, has no concerns about going back and just recommended the resort to a friend.

“The staff have just been incredibly good. We feel like we’re family. I hate to see the hotel get a bad rap,” said Mr. Finell, a retired veterinarian, who pointed out that his city is more dangerous for Canadians than Mexico.

Edmonton [pop. 752,412] ranked as Canada’s murder capital with 47 killings last year.

Lesley Keyter, also known as the Travel Lady in Calgary, said while she hasn’t had any cancelled bookings to Mexico in light of what happened to Ms. Nabb, she expects some people will now avoid the country.

“When the news first came up, my first reaction was shock and, oh my goodness, how am I ever going to be able offer people a Mexico vacation? What if they say to me, ‘Will I be safe?’ I can never guarantee anybody safety, obviously, but … things sometimes happen. What’s shocking is that it happened within the confines of a five-star resort,” she said.

Ms. Keyter echoed the sentiments of Mexican officials, who have repeatedly called the attack isolated. Officials have said they are doing everything they can to solve the crime. Still, it adds to a very bad month for the tourism industry.

“Last week the big news was cruising. Was anybody going to cruise again?” Ms. Keyter said."

With reports from Kim Mackrael and Marina Jimenez

cielo - 1-25-2012 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
Who is this sweet and caring guy Mengano? Fulano?? Were you assaulted in Baja or Mexico? I try not to read much of the negative stuff but I'm curious. Even DavidK makes sense in his opinion. Sorry/not. Tio

No, he's just bored or likely under/unemployed. Either way, he has way too much time on his hands (avg. posts 8 per day).

I must tread lightly though. He may spend 4 hours on the internet trying to find out what my real name is. He may even post an expose' about the time I lifted that pack of gum from the corner store when I was 6 years old.

Clown who likes to argue for the sake of arguing, in my opinion.

Mengano - 1-25-2012 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by cielo
Clown who likes to argue for the sake of arguing, in my opinion.

Do you have a split personality? Should your name be Cybil, instead of Cielo? Where was your head at when you posted this awhile ago?

Originally posted by cielo
How can a drug lord restore peace? Do you think the Drug violence will ever end? If so, how? Some Mexicans think that once Calderon is done and if the declared war on the cartels ends that things will go back to how they were before Calderon was elected. The situation is heartbreaking to those of us Americans who love Mexico. I have a home in Cabo and love being there if Cabo turns into Rosarito it can sit there empty for all I care. Having to dodge stray bullets and worry about being kidnapped is not my idea of a relaxing vacation.

I guess it is OK for you to dis Rosarito because you don't have a condo there, but Cabo is off-limits because you are invested there.

What a four-flusher.

JoeJustJoe - 1-25-2012 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by cielo
Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
Who is this sweet and caring guy Mengano? Fulano?? Were you assaulted in Baja or Mexico? I try not to read much of the negative stuff but I'm curious. Even DavidK makes sense in his opinion. Sorry/not. Tio

No, he's just bored or likely under/unemployed. Either way, he has way too much time on his hands (avg. posts 8 per day).

I must tread lightly though. He may spend 4 hours on the internet trying to find out what my real name is. He may even post an expose' about the time I lifted that pack of gum from the corner store when I was 6 years old.

Clown who likes to argue for the sake of arguing, in my opinion.

Wow for a newbie to this forum. You sure have Mengano's number.

You are right to tread lightly. Not only could you be exposed for stealing that pack of gum when you were 6 years old, but you also may be exposed as some kind of fat, bald 300 pound Muslim and used car salesman.

I know. I speak from experience. If you don't believe me. Then ask Mt Goat, the so-called Professor with a PH.D.

grizzlyfsh95 - 1-25-2012 at 03:48 PM

You are all aware, I am sure thet PhD means...pile it higher and deeper:biggrin:

cielo - 1-25-2012 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Mengano
Originally posted by cielo
Clown who likes to argue for the sake of arguing, in my opinion.

Do you have a split personality? Should your name be Cybil, instead of Cielo? Where was your head at when you posted this awhile ago?

Originally posted by cielo
How can a drug lord restore peace? Do you think the Drug violence will ever end? If so, how? Some Mexicans think that once Calderon is done and if the declared war on the cartels ends that things will go back to how they were before Calderon was elected. The situation is heartbreaking to those of us Americans who love Mexico. I have a home in Cabo and love being there if Cabo turns into Rosarito it can sit there empty for all I care. Having to dodge stray bullets and worry about being kidnapped is not my idea of a relaxing vacation.

I guess it is OK for you to dis Rosarito because you don't have a condo there, but Cabo is off-limits because you are invested there.

What a four-flusher.

You've nailed me! I've been exposed!

I agree with Dennis that it's important to stay informed on the security situation in Mexico so for that I thank you. You see, I have a job and couldn't possibly sit in front of a computer all day googling etc. so it's awesome that you do it for us working folk. Altruism at it's finest.

Many here are so curious on why you do what you do, as I once was. You have your own blog that the very name of is a mockery of this one. You spend many hours of your personal time scouring the internet for stories, articles, and stats that bolster your opinion that Mexico is a garbage can and all Mexicans are inhumane and corrupt. And then there are those creepy expose's you post about nomads who are willing to go head to head with you. Frankly bud, that sh&t is weird. You call out people using there supposed real names and occupations which insinuates that you've taken the time to investigate who they are. Again, creepy/weird. You're either unemployed or are suffering from insomia.

All of this would lead someone to believe that you must have some major beef with Mexico. Maybe you had a family member who was a victim of narco violence? And so now you feel it's your duty to keep all of the sheepish Americans informed about the truth about Mexico and Mexican people.

I don't think so at all. My take is simple. You're just someone who enjoys the banter of a good argument. It's somewhat of a sport for you and it's probably one of a couple things you're good at...and props to you, your a good internet searcher/statistics finder/mexican article translator guy. Best I've ever seen anyway.

You don't post what you do for the cause of altruism. I mean obviously, if you post anti-Mexico stories/articles on a site that was created by and for people who like Mexico an argument will definitely ensue. Which is what you want, you stir the pot just for the sake of stirring the pot.

Hope you find work soon. You're a sharp, witty, resourceful, and articulate guy. Someone will pick you up soon.

Ateo - 1-25-2012 at 07:35 PM

Canadians flock to Mexico cuz its awesome!

Roberto - 1-25-2012 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by cielo
No, he's just bored or likely under/unemployed. Either way, he has way too much time on his hands (avg. posts 8 per day).

Boy is that a loaded comment. This board has plenty of those. Here are some:


Username David K (Send U2U) (Add to Address Book)
Registered: 8-30-2002 (8.79 messages per day)
Posts: 30213 (5.16% of total posts)

That's 5% of ALL posts on the board, FYI


Username DENNIS (Send U2U) (Add to Address Book)
Registered: 9-2-2006 (9.99 messages per day)
Posts: 19704 (3.36% of total posts)

if you remove the attention hoars, you would decrease traffic on the board by at least 30%-40%. 'Nuff said.

Gotta include one more comment - can't help myself. Mengano posts a quote WITH HIGHLIGHTS, that happens to mention DavidK, and he thinks it's about him! Classic!

[Edited on 1-26-2012 by Roberto]


Ken Cooke - 1-25-2012 at 10:57 PM







paranewbi - 1-26-2012 at 06:55 AM

Shivers up my backbone!

mcfez - 1-26-2012 at 10:57 AM

The real question is this David....

For someone who thinks Mexico is a deadly and evil land....not to be walked on....

Why is he walking around in Mexico last March?

Is this not dangerous to do......Chucky?

Originally posted by David K
Wondering why someone who 'hates' Mexico so much is on a Baja travel web site to try and 'fear' away travelers to Mexico? Is it a mission you are on to punish the people of Mexico by reducing the tourist dollars coming south? Aren't there Mexico hate forums you would be better received at?

I suppose there are some Baja Nomads who like what you are doing, as they like keeping the peninsula just to themselves... less is best, etc. ? However, there is plenty of Baja for all Nomads to enjoy and bring their friends and family, too. It is God's gift to us, the Baja Peninsula... a magic place.

Mengano - 1-26-2012 at 11:02 AM

That cannot be me. Both JoeJustJoe and mtgoat say I'm too scared to go to Mexico. Are you calling them liars?

woody with a view - 1-26-2012 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by paranewbi
Shivers up my backbone!

isn't that from a song?

watizname - 1-26-2012 at 11:07 AM

Hey Megano, I've only had four flushers happen in Mexico, I think it has something to do with the water pressure in certain areas. Can you run some stats on that for us.:tumble::tumble::tumble::tumble:

motoged - 1-26-2012 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
Originally posted by paranewbi
Shivers up my backbone!

isn't that from a song?

Yep !!! Shakin All Over....covered by the Guess Who (originally Chad Allen and the Expressions) from Winnipeg, my home town :saint:

[Edited on 1-26-2012 by motoged]