
Yellowtail still lingering around Asuncion

shari - 1-31-2012 at 03:33 PM

Surfdoc wanted some fresh fish to take back NOB so the boys saddled up the "Sirena" and headed up to San Pablo in hopes of still finding some yellowtail lingering on. It was a perfect day of calm wind and seas with good visibility. The whales were thick out there...they saw around 50.

Faustino had a nice one on the first drop (YT, not a whale!)...yeah baby! They brought home 5 nice fish in the 15-20lb...perfect for sashimi. good to know they are still hanging around...and Surfdoc's family & amigos will enjoy some nice fresh fish.

Skipjack Joe - 1-31-2012 at 06:14 PM

Amazing! Hope Woody gets into them.