Does anyone have photos of Loreto central area that were taken before 2007?
Please post or pm mecapt. mike - 2-8-2012 at 02:31 PM
i have a lot - but not all are on digital. some are on movie.
none are particularly organized - one of those "gotta get this done one day....." deals that just don't happen. Like going thru 30 YEARS + mexico/baja
of photo albums looking to scan prints to files.
i'll look around for you.
Greg who used to post here, forgot his handle, had us fly him in like 2002 or so - maybe 2004? hell i can't recall - but he took a lot of vids over
Loreto coming and going. His vids are on you tube and the longer versions i put on Vimeo. search you'll find and if you have a capture device you can
grab cuts or stills.RnR - 2-9-2012 at 07:13 AM
Originally posted by bajabird
Does anyone have photos of Loreto central area that were taken before 2007?
Please post or pm me
Look on Google Earth.
The current imagery of Loreto is from 1/25/2010. In the extreme lower left corner of the screen there is a pop-up area for previous imagery. Click
on the "2005" and you will re-load the imagery from 6/25/2005. There is also a slider in the upper left area of the 2005 imagery. Slide along it and
you will find a partial update of the malecon area imagery from 8/29/2007.
The resolution is high enough in all of the imagery to see vehicles in the streets. Good Luck!bajabird - 2-9-2012 at 09:02 AM
Wow, thank you Mike, Thank you RnR!wessongroup - 2-9-2012 at 03:16 PM