
Pompano Fish Report followup to: Bzzz! Bzzz! the alarm just went off!

Pompano - 2-24-2012 at 05:10 AM

Zzzz..Egads! It's awful early...but...time to get the coffee brewing, make some boat lunch, and get rolling...cuz it's another fine fishing day out of Mulege! The wind is supposed to be laying down and it looks like we have about 4-5 days of calm water ahead of us: Therefore I fish...simple plans are best.

I'll make bait at the usual spot, Punta Prieta, then head south past Pt. Conception to meet another fishing buddy's boat to give Mateo's Hole a try...and many other places further towards Pta. Teresa. It's all good!

Okay...time warm up the truck and put the thermos & cooler in the boat. Color me gone...will report back here later with ...hopefully...some good fishin' news.

Tight lines all, Pompano

p.s. The first hook-up is dedicated to Cypress...Nomad naysayer for these Sea of Cortez fishing reports. ;)

[Edited on 2-25-2012 by Pompano]

Hook - 2-24-2012 at 05:13 AM

Dont ferget them worms; Cypress' favorite bait!

Cypress - 2-24-2012 at 05:20 AM


Hook - 2-24-2012 at 05:35 AM

Big yellowtail tourney over here Sat and Sun. Yesterday at Isla San Pedro Nolasco, multiple boats reported limits for all on board in only two hours or so. Trolling deep early, and then jigging after locating the fish. Nothing over 25#, though.

Good fishing, Pomp. Looking forward to a report.

[Edited on 2-24-2012 by Hook]

Oso - 2-24-2012 at 03:11 PM

Something I saw years ago and wish I'd bought, don't know where to find one now. It was an alarm clock that made a sound like line whirring off a reel. As I recall, it even looked like a reel. Definitely a more pleasant sound to wake up to than your usual alarm. Since I retired I haven't used an alarm clock even once, fishing is about the only reason I would ever want to again.

Speaking of alarm clocks, one of my favorite old B&W TV shows was "Death Valley Days". There was one great episode where an old guy retired to a shack in the desert and bought a crate full of cheap alarm clocks. Every night he would set an alarm clock on the open window sill. Every morning the alarm would go off. The old guy would roll over, pull out his Colt.45 Peacemaker, blow the crap out of the alarm clock and go back to sleep.

Bob and Susan - 2-24-2012 at 05:18 PM

and for just under $200 it could be yours

reeltime2.gif - 21kB

BajaBlanca - 2-24-2012 at 05:31 PM

:lol::lol: great story about the guy in the desert !!!! :lol::lol:

Cypress - 2-25-2012 at 11:06 AM

Pompano, Did you have any luck? Fish for dinner?:D

Pompano - 2-25-2012 at 11:16 AM

Hola caught me just going out the door for poker at Anas.

Did I have any luck? Does a camel drink after weeks of thirst?..hell, yes!

.... and have lots of fish for cena, but had to make my own luck to do it! Anybody up for an old-fashioned fish fry....lots of crispy french fries to go with it!? Pass me my meds, por favor?

My arms are still too worn out to type my fish report, but will get to it right after I recuperate at the poker tables this afternoon.

Cypress - 2-25-2012 at 12:36 PM

Pompano, Deep fried!:biggrin: Good luck with the poker.:yes:

Alan - 2-25-2012 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Oso
Something I saw years ago and wish I'd bought, don't know where to find one now. It was an alarm clock that made a sound like line whirring off a reel.
I have thought long and hard about one of those but decided it couldn't be very "heart healthy" coming out of a deep sleep :lol:

Cypress - 2-27-2012 at 12:36 PM


Pompano - 2-27-2012 at 07:40 PM


Please excuse my tardiness in finishing this fishing report, but I have been busy selling boats & trucks to pay off certain poker debts. Never..ever...EVER..draw to those inside would think I'd learn?? Remember the houseboat called 'Busted Flush''s within the same theme as my game lately.

Now, as to the fishing:

It went fairly well with the launching and making bait routine. I was there at the appointed time to make some good baits. Bigeyes as usual.

I quickly put about a dozen into the live well and headed out to meet the sunrise at Point Conception.

Underway, I pass a familiar sight...a shrimper coming in from a long night scraping the ocean bottom clean of shrimp and whatever by-catch is left down there. :mad:

Well, can't let that sight ruin my day...follow the sun, I say!..

...and so I did...far, far out to sea...getting deeper and deeper...until I reach a reasonable limit.

Hmm....I probably won't catch much at this depth, I thought..which will give me a nice break from running the boat, and I can enjoy a quiet moment finishing my cheese danish and coffee...ah, the life of a fisherman is frought with hardships, no? (...frought??...hey, why not?)

The Plan:

I will bait up one of those lively bigeyes and send him to the bottom...put my feet up and sip some java. Down-time in a boat is a luxury to be savored..and I've earned my down-time badge a few times over by now.;)

Ahh...the sea is sooo calm, the sun is warming me nicely...the coffee delicious and that danish deserves another soon. Life is good..I'm adrift at sea, not a care in the world....

...until this character interrupts the scene.

I ASK YOU? ...What depth is it that YOU CANNOT CATCH A PINTO?


But, I really should not complain too much..after all, I had promised some people fish fillets for their supper...and here was some of the best tasting dinner fish around...Pintos. So what the heck, I thought...might as well take my limit of 5 good eaters while I am on top of them.

So...that's the way it was. No giant grouper, no monster jurel, no marlin or sails, nothing for me today but this box of pintos:

Which ain't that bad a deal...I just finished a muy bueno cena of pinto fillets sprinkled with fresh shrimp...a meal any seafood lover would like.

Some words of comfort to the trophy fishermen out there..who were expecting some huge fish photos:

"Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught."

....and furthermore....

"Catch and Release fishing is a lot like golf. You don't have to eat the ball to have a good time."

That's all for now, to get back to my 'chip and a chair.'

[Edited on 2-28-2012 by Pompano]

Cypress - 2-28-2012 at 05:58 AM


Bob H - 2-28-2012 at 09:53 AM

Nice fish report. I liked your fishing comic above. I remember as a kid, my grandfather had a fishing comic framed on a hallway wall. It was two guys in a fishing boat and the caption read "All fishermen are liars, except you and me. And, sometimes I'm not to sure about you!"

[Edited on 2-28-2012 by Bob H]

chuckie - 2-29-2012 at 04:54 AM

Pintos, cant be beat for to eat..My poem for the day..We went to Punta Theresa the other day..Got there just in time to have the pond blow up and fought our way back to Mulege, without getting any fishing time in at Theresa...Otra Dias, its good to live in Mulege, with no schedule..

MitchMan - 2-29-2012 at 06:47 PM

Wow, did you really have to go over 500 ft down to get those Pintos? If so, how much weight did you use above the lure?

[Edited on 3-1-2012 by MitchMan]