
What else besides Yellowtail

Pescador - 2-28-2012 at 10:25 AM

Yellowtail have been a little slow at the Santa Rosalia area this winter so when a report came in that one of the local pangueros hit it wide open at Tortuga, most of the boats headed out there to see what was going on. Turns out the Yellowtail were chasing small squid on the surface and one of the pangueros managed 600 Kilos in just a few hours and caught them all on a jig.
So the next day we went out to see if there were any leftovers but could only find a few scattered fish, but we turned our attention to Baqueta, which is a deep water fish that is normally caught in 400-700 feet of water. These are also knows as Rooster Hind or Gulf Coney and are a real delicacy in our area. Conditions need to be right with small currents and lack of wind in order to fish the bottom correctly, but you are rewarded with one of the tastiest fish that you can find.

And don't tell Cypress that these big fish are readily available if you just know where to look.:lol::lol::lol:

Cypress - 2-28-2012 at 10:33 AM

Pescador, Nice. You know where to look.:D

baitcast - 2-28-2012 at 10:51 AM

:lol::lol: Been telling Cypress that for years::rolleyes:

Russ - 2-28-2012 at 10:59 AM

X Cell Ant ! It use to be fun talking fish with Lynee. Now she knows a lot more than I ever did and I can't feed her the BS like before. Damn you Jim You wrecked a perfectly innocent women.:mad:

Cypress - 2-28-2012 at 11:04 AM

Yep! It's a big "where", the Sea of Cortez consisits of an area of about 68,000 square miles. :biggrin: I'll just stick with the "shellcrackers":biggrin:

bill erhardt - 2-28-2012 at 11:20 AM

Yellowtail action has been spotty around Loreto for the past few weeks, as well. I caught my limit yesterday, but had to run about 50 miles south to find them. I gave mine away without cleaning them, but a friend who cleaned some a couple of days ago reported that they were stuffed with squid.

While the 'tails are playing hard to get, local fisherman here have also been looking for cheap thrills elsewhere. Here's a pic of Al Jordan with a 31# dog snapper he coaxed out of the rocks last week.

dsbn3.jpg - 47kB

Pescador - 2-28-2012 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Russ
X Cell Ant ! It use to be fun talking fish with Lynee. Now she knows a lot more than I ever did and I can't feed her the BS like before. Damn you Jim You wrecked a perfectly innocent women.:mad:

Well, it is much worse than you suspected. She went out with me on Friday and she managed to put two of those in the boat and a 30 lb. yellowtail while the Captain only managed two scrawny Gold Spotted Bass and one Baqueta. Now I had to try real hard to act like that was a great catch but there is a standing rule on the boat that you NEVER outfish the captain. :fire::fire:

So, I suspect that she may get an invitation again, when the boat needs cleaning or something:P

I did go solo on Sunday and managed a limit of some real big boy Baqueta, so I guess I can afford to be a little more supportive at this point.:bounce::bounce:

shari - 2-28-2012 at 12:34 PM

same here...with the big swell, murky water and currents, yellowtail are scarce the last few weeks but the bottom fishing has been fine...lots of nice calico, sheepshead, whitefish and grouper.