
Baja 2000 Booby Trap

TMW - 3-1-2012 at 12:07 PM

wessongroup - 3-1-2012 at 12:28 PM

One thing that I remember about the old Baja, was getting back to the "pavement" of Mex 1 ... WOW !!! was that nice..

And find it comforting to see even the "pro's" having a hard time with Baja roads.. as they used to be really pretty tough just for the every day driver ... maybe not always this bad... but, almost

Thanks again .. love how everyone "jumps" in to help out .. mud, dirt, and all..

Cool stuff ... IMHO

BajaWarrior - 3-1-2012 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by TW

That's not nice...

rts551 - 3-1-2012 at 05:55 PM

some people think it is fun or funny. my son is off racing for a year because of a trap.could have been worse.

dtbushpilot - 3-1-2012 at 06:45 PM

My son narrowly missed a toilet that had been drug onto the course between some sand woops. He didn't have any time to react to it, Had he come over the woop a foot to the left he would have hit it dead on. This is just one of the things that agrivates me about the Baja races, there are lots more issues as well.....dt

Sorry to hear of your son's accident rts551, hope he has a full recovery.......

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by dtbushpilot]

chuckie - 3-3-2012 at 11:13 AM

Once driving a single seater buggy, I had a smiley lil Mexican kid throw a dead cat full of maggots onto my lap.....

TMW - 3-3-2012 at 11:32 AM

A couple of years ago somebody thru a snake thru the windshield opening of a race buggy. After much excitement on the driver and co-drivers part they got rid of it. It turned out to be a dead snake.

vgabndo - 3-3-2012 at 01:57 PM

WOW, invigorate the sport by adding a cultural X-games element.

Interesting! There is always the "ace in the hole" that saves the locals wasting their cats and snakes and would probably make them just as happy; eliminate pre-running. The course would be REALLY interesting by raceday.:no::no::no:

capt. mike - 3-3-2012 at 02:22 PM

I'm with dt.
the booby traps may be funny to the discourteous mexicans/locals. But people can and will die from that stuff.

i don't know how Sal can police these but i hear WX man warn all racers when he gets wind of one.

wessongroup - 3-3-2012 at 02:48 PM

Some, do find entertainment in seeing "folks" hurt ... don't get that one ... and certainly would not support any efforts to cause something like that to happen...

When did this kind of action start taking place... don't remember the early races having "that" kind of problem... but, a long time since I followed off road stuff and the Baja run's ... used to years ago ...

It's been a trip seeing what has happened to off road stuff from way back in the late 60's early 70's ... to what they run out there now ... WOW .. .

TMW - 3-3-2012 at 03:41 PM

I don't know how long the booby traps have been going on since I've only been involved with Baja off road racing since 1987. I do remember in 87 or 88 Corky McMillin talking about booby traps and said it was just another of the 10,000 problems racers had to deal with.

In the 1987 Baja 1000, my first race, someone had burnt some tires on the course just north of Camalu and when I went thru on my bike I got the wires caught up in my rear wheel. Had to cut them out with dike cutters. In the 1988 1000 as one of our co-riders approched Camilu he was warned by SCORE officals to be aware of reports that rebar had been driven into the ground to damage tires. He never encountered any so I don't know for sure it was really done. But all sorts of things have been done like digging ditches, burying telephone type logs, burying fish net in the sand. In the 1990 500 near San Felipe while racing I came upon some young kids standing by a mount of dirt. Thinking there was a hole on the other side I went to the right to avoid it. Guess where the hole was that the dirt came from. Yep the right side and I hit the hole and over I went. Actually I was laughning too hard at my not being more careful to be mad and the kids helped me pick up the bike and get going. Thinking about it I believe they build a jump and want us to jump it.