
another great vid on whales with BBP 2012

capt. mike - 3-19-2012 at 02:51 PM

Doug and Denise Winston do a fabulous job documenting their flying adventures with BPI trips.
this year they based out of Loreto.

shari - 3-20-2012 at 11:18 AM

Nice footage of Loreto, food and whales...but oh I just CRINGE every time she says..."we're going whale petting" or "we're here to pet whales" drives me's not like the old days when just seeing a whale in it's natural habitat was everyone expects to pet one...and lately not just pet one but ya gotta kiss it too...sheesh.

the enormous expectation to touch a whale is so difficult for the lancheros who feel they must provide this's alot of pressure on them and then people feel slighted or unlucky if they dont pet one.

whale watching trips are so different now than the old days where we enjoyed watching different whales doing different things all over the they just drive over to a friendly whale and stay with it and dont see much else...this video is a great example...did you see any sleeping whales? nope...just friendly behavior.

[Edited on 3-20-2012 by shari]

DianaT - 3-20-2012 at 11:37 AM


Great video---enjoyed it a lot. They covered a lot of territory and subjects and showed it all quite well. Editing had to be quite a job.

Do they do this as a business? I know a couple of people looking for the best way to hitch a airplane ride to the San Ignacio lagoon maybe next year?

Thanks for sharing it.

David K - 3-21-2012 at 01:06 AM

Remember the first 'friendly' whale... 'Gigi' was it? Late 1970's in San Ignacio Lagoon??

capt. mike - 3-21-2012 at 10:15 AM

in the past i ran dozens of whale trips over the years, mainly Kuyima but also lopez and with Cortez at SIL.

the boat captains never forced the whales, always kept the required distance and allowed the whales, if interested, to come to them.
They are often curious if in the mood and come right up even pushing the babies to get close and touch. I see nothing wrong with that.

we have seen many asleep and the boat capt detoured.
i stopped doing trips cause i got too bored waiting on the pax to return.
once you have been in the boats a few times and seen many whales its enough adventure for me.

some pix above link.