

vseasport - 4-8-2012 at 07:52 AM

My heart almost stopped

East Cape weather has just been spectacular. All week we have enjoyed calm seas and warm days. In shore the water has become crystal clear and off shore is warming and turning a beautiful blue.

Biz was slow and I wanted to go fishing so I made a deal with 11 year old Roberto to charter Jen Wren III for the day. When we departed I had broadbill on my mind. First thing in the morning we made the candy bait for our target when a small skipjack ate our hoochie.

Arriving at my favorite swordie location we started trolling. We could see some bait breaking on the surface and everything looked right. Suddenly catching something out of the corner of my eye my heart almost stopped. The instant thought in my head was IT'S A SWORDIE! Turning my head for a better look and confirmation the two fins rose higher above the water. Crap! Just a mako.

All the charter boat skippers know I'm obsessed with catching another broadbill and always call us on the VHF to tease me if they spot one. It is OK because we are getting good dope and I'll take it.

We did have a great day. Roberto landed a nice dorado and we saw loads of sea life.

Doesn't get much nicer than this.

Roberto battling a nice dorado. Only 11 and you should see him pitch a bait and stroke on a fish. The kid showed up wearing his Costa's and decked out in Pelagic gear. He'll be a chick magnet in a few years.

Candy bait

I've got swordie fever. Now is the time they show in East Cape waters

Was disappointed when it was just a mako.

Check out all the pilot fish under this turtle. Conditions are right and the place is going to pop

We just got this tigerfish from the taxidermy. Anyone who catches one while on one of our charters gets a free trip.

For frequent East Cape fishing updates check out Jen Wren Facebook page.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

David K - 4-8-2012 at 07:55 AM
