
San Lucas Cove Yellowtail Tournament

Pescador - 4-9-2012 at 08:20 AM

For quite a few years, San Marcos Mike (Mike Kanzler) held a spring time Yellowtail Tournament at San Lucas Cove until he moved away a couple of years ago. In an attempt to keep that tradition alive and well, we are going to have a tournament again this year on Sunday, May 27th. The captains meeting will be at my house just off of Highway 1 and the entrance to San Bruno on Saturday afternoon at 3:00pm. Cost to enter the tournament is only $350 pesos and this year in an attempt to get wider participation, anglers are allowed to start anywhere in the area at their home base and all they need to do is bring their fish in for weighing. This should allow the anglers from Punta Chivato, Mulege, Santa Rosalia, and other points to fish their home waters and if they have a "qualifier", then they can bring the fish in for weighing. Also, if Mulege schedules their Dorado tourney at the same time, then it is possible for anglers to enter both tournaments and increase their chances for a win depending on what they catch.
Award dinner will be a Las Casitas Hotel in Santa Rosalia and will be hosted by Brenda Goodson.

Hook - 4-9-2012 at 08:40 AM

Where will the weigh-in be?

Pescador - 4-9-2012 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Hook
Where will the weigh-in be?

We are thinking that we may use the marina at San Bruno but I need to check the tide charts. So we are still working on that one.

Burbs - 4-9-2012 at 07:31 PM

Sure hope we can go. Sounds like a blast!
Either way we will like to donate a good bottle of tequila for a door prize..
I've really missed the the local fish tournaments.
Future looks brighter!:cool:

chuckie - 4-10-2012 at 05:35 PM

I will donate a Jug of Rum, as well...If it works, I'll fish it..I see a logistics problem if both tournaments are same day..hard to make both weigh ins in time.....after 6 or 8 Pacificos....

willyAirstream - 4-10-2012 at 07:13 PM

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but " I heard" the Mulege Dorado Tourny Capt meeting is Sunday at 3pm at the Jungle and fishing is Monday due to tides.

Pescador - 4-10-2012 at 08:50 PM

According the the the sale is Saturday, and fishing is Monday and Tues with captains dinner on Wed. So that dovetails nicely with what is going on with the San Lucas Tournament. We will be fishing only on Sunday.

chuckie - 4-11-2012 at 06:59 AM

Last comment is seems like we can do both!....:lol:

chuckie - 4-11-2012 at 07:01 AM

BUT! Both Captains meeting are at 3 on Saturday...

Hendo - 4-11-2012 at 10:23 PM

Was wondering if spearfisherpersons can participate in either or both events?

chuckie - 4-12-2012 at 05:43 AM

Not in the Mulege tournament...How is the Captains meeting conflict going to be resolved???

Pescador - 4-12-2012 at 02:25 PM

Well, we will just have to have our own captain's meeting. I will be open to signing up anyone that week who wants to do so. The only problem I could foresee is that we will have to do the Calcutta Auction at the Saturday meeting but I suppose we could have a "blind bid" for any teams that were intersted. I need to think about that one a little bit.

[Edited on 4-12-2012 by Pescador]

chuckie - 4-12-2012 at 04:15 PM

OKEYDOKEY..I wanna fish em both, so if its doable, I'll do it.....Dont forget to tell us where you live...

drzura - 4-12-2012 at 05:09 PM

So how is the fishing down in the San Lucas Cove area right now?? I will be down there in about 2.5 weeks.

Pescador - 4-12-2012 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by drzura
So how is the fishing down in the San Lucas Cove area right now?? I will be down there in about 2.5 weeks.

I wite a report every week at so if you really want to know, just check there.