
How many rods and reels?

sd - 4-14-2012 at 10:35 AM

In the April 13 edition of Western Outdoor News a reader writes in he was stopped at Cabo Airport (SJD) and told by customs he had too many reels, and was asked how much they cost, he replied $450 each. Customs stated the maximum allowed is 4, but only if fishing rods traveled with these reels.
Reader argued, but ended up paying a 16% tax of $60 for the additional 2 reels.
Our Baja Nomad Mark Rayor of Jen Wren sportfishing added a comment in this story, saying he was stopped carrying 11 Accurate reels in a carry on, and charged a $150 duty.

Mark, maybe your reels were considered business property as you have your boats in Baja?

I have ALWAYS carried 8-15 reels, and 8-10 rods with no issues. I have been questioned by Alaska Airlines at Los Angeles regarding carry on reels with line several years ago, and they allowed me to continue to customs saying I would be turned back, and I was not. I was stopped in customs carrying 6 inch needle nose pliers in my carry on, which is allowed. They researched it and allowed me to continue.

While Mark has top quality boats, rods and reels, I find nearly all of the panga's and cruisers on the East Cape using marginal equipment, so I bring my own.

Have any of you been questioned by customs when traveling with fishing equipment to SJD?

durrelllrobert - 4-14-2012 at 11:42 AM

I wasn't questiond about my rod or reel at SJC, but....

mtgoat666 - 4-14-2012 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by sd
reels,... was asked how much they cost, he replied $450 each.

I have ALWAYS carried 8-15 reels, and 8-10 rods with no issues.

15 reels seems a bit excessive. just saying...

can you really use that many in one fishing trip? i approach most sports as a minimalist, not as an excuse to buy toys

sd - 4-14-2012 at 12:27 PM

I normally have 1 or 2 others fishing with me. So 2 trolling rods and reels, 4 light weight setups and 2 medium outfits is what I might bring on the boat. If I am fishing more than a few days I find the additional equipment normally gets used.
I don't like to use heavy outfits if we are catching smaller tuna and dorado, so I find it nice to have the options.

Russ - 4-14-2012 at 01:17 PM

And we wonder where the tourist went? These games played by "officials" are what hurts tourism. Imagine what the story will be when he gets home.

Burbs - 4-14-2012 at 02:22 PM

Ok! New idea for travelers with fishing reels.
Someone can come up with ways to make things look old and worn. Something in the order of SPRAY DIRTY. Goes on dirty and wipes off clean. This might get you through the checkpoint. Leave it up to fishermen to clean their reels so they are ready for the next big one or adventure. Cleaned nice and shiny! After we clean them up...when traveling to Mexico we can pull out the can of SPRAY DIRTY to have a hassel free trip! Clean reels will travel at their own risk.
SPRAY well for women too!

Curt63 - 4-14-2012 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Russ
And we wonder where the tourist went? These games played by "officials" are what hurts tourism. Imagine what the story will be when he gets home.


Theres always some BS. I have thick skin but most Americans want fair, equal treatment. For me, its part of the scenery. Sometimes loose enforcement of rules works in your favor.

rts551 - 4-14-2012 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Russ
And we wonder where the tourist went? These games played by "officials" are what hurts tourism. Imagine what the story will be when he gets home.

Whether we like it or not, most of these type rules are to stop people from bringing these items down for sale. 15 reels might be a flag?

chuckie - 4-14-2012 at 04:34 PM

Certainly a flag...No one needs that many reels....Maybe they should have to post a bond, which would be refunded if the same reels came out...Why do people coming into Mexico from the US think that Mexican law doesnt apply to them? Try bringing 6 Rolex's or 5 British shotguns into the US...You think the Mexicans are bad? Try US customs in New York...

BajaBlanca - 4-14-2012 at 04:52 PM

chuckie is soooooooooooooooooooo right. I speak from experience, once having had a run in with the NY customs who went through every single item I had, including toothpaste, NEVER AGAIN. so overkill. so ridiculous. and then they told me to pack it all up when they found nothing. I was fuming mad.


now, on another note, we have lots of fishermen come with many many rods and reels - toys toys toys for boys boys boys

so the bond idea is a real good one.


chuckie - 4-15-2012 at 02:58 AM

I usually have 5 or 6 Rods rigged on the boat at any given time, so I can respond quickly to whatever is happening, without having to re-rig. I can see someone bringing some variations of tackle with them..but ..but

Spray Dirty

Bomberro - 4-15-2012 at 08:00 AM

Not to hijack, but, used slightly dirty things are not considered new and to be resold! I did my own form of Spray Dirty when driving down in 1994, carrying a new toilet for a house trailer, placed the so camoed toilet on the front passenger seat, and when they looked inside, eyes almost popped out and was hurried along my way! Probably work well for rods and reels, pack the reels wrapped in soiled shorts! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Hook - 4-15-2012 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by sd
I normally have 1 or 2 others fishing with me. So 2 trolling rods and reels, 4 light weight setups and 2 medium outfits is what I might bring on the boat. If I am fishing more than a few days I find the additional equipment normally gets used.
I don't like to use heavy outfits if we are catching smaller tuna and dorado, so I find it nice to have the options.

Well then, force the others to whom you are supplying rods and reels to carry them for themselves. 15 rods and reels, split 2-3 ways, is not excessive.

One person with 15 is an obvious red flag in just about ANY country. It LOOKS like you're in the business of selling reels down there.

Cypress - 4-15-2012 at 01:44 PM

Do you think they'd make a big to-do about my cane pole?:biggrin:

Apropos of Nothing Except Fishing

Gypsy Jan - 4-15-2012 at 01:53 PM

Are you guys watching the "Dangerous Fish" (or whatever it is named) Show on the Discovery Channel?

Today, this guy went after Bull Sharks in the Florida inlet that has fresh water draining into the Atlantic.

He also went looking for massive catfish and a reported 18-foot Alligator Gar in the Mississippi River.

He is strictly catch-and-release, but, Holy Moly!

The only fish I have ever caught are the goldfish at the county fair. ;D ;D :yes:

[Edited on 4-15-2012 by Gypsy Jan]

Cypress - 4-15-2012 at 02:43 PM

Have caught a few gator gars. They're good, fried or otherwise.:biggrin:

chuckie - 4-15-2012 at 05:37 PM

Geez...Instead of figuring out how to cheat, why cant ya just play by the rules? No wonder the Mexican authorities get chapped....Just to save a couple bucks? gimme a break....1994? 18 years ago? Its a whole lot easier just to have a list, and receipts...Amazing how nice they are when you are not trying to screw em...

rts551 - 4-15-2012 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Do you think they'd make a big to-do about my cane pole?:biggrin:

Spray yur cane with spray dirt!

durrelllrobert - 4-15-2012 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Burbs

SPRAY well for women too!

You mean it actually helps them get through Customs without going to secondary?

CaptGeo - 4-16-2012 at 04:16 PM

according to Mexican Fishing Laws, you are only allowed to fish one rod and reel per person with a fishing license. Most Charter Captains and crews have fishing licenses to allow for extra rod, reel and amount of fish in the boat. Why would you need 15 rods on a vacation? light, medium and heavy tackle, same for fly rod and reels, only adds up to 6.

durrelllrobert - 4-17-2012 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
Have caught a few gator gars. They're good, fried or otherwise.:biggrin:
When I worked for the Navy we killed a 6 ft Gar (along with hundreds of other fish and thousands of blue crabs) in the Chesapeake Bay with an underwater detenotion. Nobdy knew they swam that far north.

[Edited on 4-17-2012 by durrelllrobert]

Cypress - 4-17-2012 at 03:25 PM

durrelllrobert, Those gator gars are tuff criiters, can surive in fresh and brackish water. They've got a mouth full of teeth and are covered with a layer of armor. But, they're downright tasty if you know how to fix 'em.:tumble: