
Transitions and nation-building are long processes" : Vicente Fox - The ex-president of Mexico, visited Tijuana and...

Gypsy Jan - 4-21-2012 at 02:38 PM

Por: César Faz/ Binomio 19 Abril 2012

"Last Tuesday,April 17, former Mexican President Vicente Fox visited Tijuana, Mexico, in the 50th anniversary of CETYS, one of the most important colleges in Baja California. There he gave a lecture called "Challenges and opportunities for the Mexican youth in the XXI century", where he addressed students, faculty and special guests, discussing issues that went from the war on drugs, legalization, private investment in the oil industry and, of course, to the outcome of the next presidential elections and his own party, the PAN. Binomio(1+4) had the opportunity to exchange a few words with Mr. Fox.

In your opinion, after 12 years of PAN rule what has been the main impediment for the consolidation of the political transition in Mexico?

Well, "consolidation" may have several interpretations. I believe that we in Mexico have an established democracy, a Mexico with rights and liberties for all of its citizens, a country that even if its going through a rough stage because of crime and violence has nevertheless a bright future ahead in this XXI century. I believe that nation-building processes take a long time, perseverance and commitment. That is what Mexico expects from each and every Mexican: to keep building this great nation. It just doesn't happen overnight, you need a long-term vision and full compromise to be there when problems arise, not only when things go well. I am confident that Mexico is set to be a great nation in this century.

If you had another six years of presidency, what would you do again and what things would you change?

I would do exactly the same things because the man, the leaders and circumstances are momentary and in that very moment, with the best information you have and the best participation of a team and a cabinet in your administration, you make decisions according to them. I feel assured that we took the very best decision in each case. Certainly we have to acknowledge that many things weren't accomplished, many others were, but all of our commitment talent and effort were given to the country every second, every minute and every year of our administration.

Do you feel optimistic, then for the future of Mexico?

Absolutely. This is our century, the century of Mexico, the century for the Mexican youth.

Thank you very much, Mr. President."

[Edited on 4-21-2012 by Gypsy Jan]

chuckie - 4-21-2012 at 07:26 PM

I agree with him...Mexico will come through this time as they have all the others....

Muddling Through

MrBillM - 4-22-2012 at 09:44 AM

Always Has.

Always Will.