

vseasport - 4-22-2012 at 01:05 PM

Marlin bite, lines go tight!
The week started out with breezy weather and a tough bite. Working hard we were still able to scratch out a fish or two everyday and managed to get a few of the folks that fished with us the experience of catching their first marlin.

As the week progressed weather calmed and game fish went on the rampage. From Punta Pescadero to Punta Arena boats are sighting marlin jumping, tailing and feeding on baitfish in a frenzy. Mixed with the marlin are a few quality dorado and sailfish. Schools of bait that was just puddling early in the week is now balled up tight and being pushed around by gamefish.

In shore is going off as well with Roosterfish on the feed.

It seems the Sea of Cortez has come alive. Not only are anglers experiencing excellent fishing they are sighting a parade of interesting sea life. Sea turtles, porpoise and whales are putting on a show.

I was able to capture an incredible amount of great photos this week and have posted some of my favorites

East Cape Angler's club champion "Buena Vida" departing at daybreak.

This marlin is lit up and ready to take the bait

The Adams party having a party

Marlin start to cooperate

Fish have been good size and putting up epic battles

Troy Buzzell experiences his first marlin

Lucky break! This fish was never hooked but we were able to bring it to the boat for a release.

Nine year lot Ervis with the largest dorado of his life. Pictured with his proud father Jen Wren III deck hand Diego. Smaller Accurate 2 speed reels have changed the game so even a 9 year old can make it look easy.

Quality dorado are starting to show

76 year old Chango Cota battles a marlin.

Hanging with a tough crowd. We pitched a bait into a school on marlin in a feeding frenzy and hooked a sailfish

I believe tuna will be along soon. We metered fish under these porpoise but couldn't get em to go

Jumping whales

More than a little tail

Caught these turtles in the act of making baby turtles. Sorry for the disturbance.

18 year old Lisandro Cota hung a huge thresher shark just beyond Jen Wren's mooring

Lisandro with fishing buddy Luis Amador. The shark measured 11 1/2 feet long.

The bite is so good I couldn't stand it and got in on the action.

For frequent East Cape updates "Like" the Jen Wren Sportfishing Facebook page.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841