
Quickie BOLA & ROsalillita getaway

shari - 4-27-2012 at 07:30 AM

On Friday the fishing cooperativa announced it had to do some work on the processing plant so they gave the abalone fisherman 2 days we loaded up the truck and headed to BOLA to see the relatives and fill our dive tanks as this is the closest place to get air.

This was the first time we drove the lovely new stretch of highway north of the paralelo and it was terrific....still lots of cows though. Due to tour late start, we decided to sleep in Sta.Rosalillita in the little hotel there as it's only 10 minutes off the highway. I found this huge barrel cactus at our sunset pee stop.

this one is for DK

the little hotelito is across from this store...300 pesos...nice bed!

In the morning we stopped for coffee to see this groovy car that was patiently waiting for his new gringo owner to bring him back to the states for a makeover...lucky lady! Story is that the owner's brother died and left him this car that still has the original but rebuit engine and she runs! He sold it for $20 G's

the next pee stop was a fragrant one in the desert where the cardon's were blooming and bees were lovin it.

it was a big this was the last pee stop before BOLA

BOLA was like a ghost town...we were the only people eating at Guillermo's on a saturday morning..sheesh! Juan's cousin is a cook there.

It was a perfect calm morning and breakfast was scrumptious...of course within minutes, Juan ran into Frederico...another cousin..on his way to the camp at Los Animos.

After filling our tanks at Ricardos Dive shop and visiting some of his uncles, it started getting uncomfortably hot so we headed out to La Gringa for a swim to avoid the stingrays. The water was crystal clear but still quite cold...too cold to enjoy a good long swim but OK to cool off in.

Juan was jonesin to explore those islands so we may go back to dive them...but I doubt it as it's just too dang hot there even now for me.

It was a nice visit with the Arce's...several uncles, aunts and cousins...good to catch up on the family gossip! Here is tia suzanna who is one of my favorites..she was our last stop in Nuevo Rosarita.

Udo - 4-27-2012 at 07:38 AM

Superb photos, Shari.
I think I need a different camera to get that close.


p.s. I think we will be coming down toward the end of May (my mom's memorial will be on the 12, she passed away last week). This trip will be strictly house-hunting, Shari.

woody with a view - 4-27-2012 at 07:39 AM

awesome! we're going tomorrow, dragging the tin boat and looking forward to a week of sun and fun!

Skipjack Joe - 4-27-2012 at 08:12 AM

That beautiful clear water. It's what always brings me back. More than the fish.

Ateo - 4-27-2012 at 08:15 AM

Shari, great shots and looks like a great trip. I'm jealous.

Hook - 4-27-2012 at 10:35 AM

Am I correct in assuming you went out to Santa Rosalillita? If so, did you get any shots of the "marina" area?

Pacifico - 4-27-2012 at 11:23 AM

Hi Shari,

Great pics and it looked like a great get-a-way! We hope to see you soon!

shari - 4-27-2012 at 11:36 AM was socked in with fog so the photos were crappy...nutin' going on there at all....sand has filled in the's all abandoned...such a shame for so much money poured into the project. The fishermen were bringing in pulpo but pretty darn quiet there surf either.

Pacifico..sure look forward to gettin together with you guys!!!

David K - 4-27-2012 at 12:31 PM

Nice shots Shari... and the muy macho Toyota, too (with both Baja Nomad and 'got baja?' stickers)!

BajaRun - 4-27-2012 at 12:36 PM

Nice photos and report !! How cold would you guess the water was ?

Hook - 4-27-2012 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by BajaRun
Nice photos and report !! How cold would you guess the water was ?

I wont speak for Shari, but the SSTs are showing low 60s, F.

Cypress - 4-27-2012 at 12:45 PM

shari, Thanks. Those pictures are neat.;D

shari - 4-27-2012 at 02:57 PM

baja answer is....friggin cold....but not quite ankle numbing...which is around mid 60's I would guess...not nice for a leisurely swim about...more like a dunk with alot of huffing and puffing and a bit of squealing...I'm such a wussy...Juan actually snorkeled around without a wetsuit...he's so macho!