
Over 20 thousand people waited for Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Gypsy Jan - 5-3-2012 at 09:43 AM

From San Diego Red

By Brenda Colón

"Yesterday, the Downtown of Tijuana turned yellow to welcome the presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador

"The meeting was set at 4:00 PM in the Second Street and Revolution Avenue. From the third street and beyond, no cars or busses were allowed, more than 20 thousand people waited for López Obrador.

It was ironic to have the meeting a couple of blocks away from the offices of another political party and seeing the streets full of people wearing yellow, waving flags, and signs, all part of their support to the alliance of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Party of Labor (PT) and the Progressive Party of Mexico.

While we walked to the place where AMLO was going to give his speech, we saw cars and busses from other cities of Baja California as Ensenada, Mexicali and Rosarito, also, people from San Diego, Los Ángeles and Santa Ana that came to the meeting and arrived to Tijuana earlier.

Why support Andrés Manuel López Obrador?

Some of the assistants mentioned the bad promotion of the event in the local media, the found out thanks to social media Networks and flyers that were distributed at different spots of the city as swap meets, taxi stops, and other public places.

The people that came from the other side of the border said that they were interested in the situation of Mexico, that they didn't wanted the country to walk back or go down and López Obrador was the best Choice to realize that idea.

Andrés Manuel arrived around 5:30 in the afternoon and he got to the stage after walking trough the sea of supporters. When he started to talk the assistants couldn't help but applaud and scream with joy.

All kind of people listened to López Obrador when he spoke about social equity, a better education, better administration of economic and natural resources, a stop to corruption, social development, among other topics.

Andrés mentioned that he would sign his promises, that he was a man of word and he was going to fulfill every single thing when he becomes president of Mexico.

The speech also featured the concept of "change", an idea that had served López Obrador's campaign as flag. Andrés said that voting from any other of the candidates was going to be "more of the same."

[Edited on 5-3-2012 by Gypsy Jan]

DENNIS - 5-3-2012 at 10:32 AM

20,000?? That's almost enough for one of those commie "occupy" events. You know....when they all get together and destroy other peoples property because they don't think they should have to work for a living, and those that do work should have to share their paycheck with them.

Osprey - 5-3-2012 at 11:03 AM

"....those WHO do work should have to share....."

DENNIS - 5-3-2012 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Osprey
"....those WHO do work should have to share....."

And those who don't/won't should pay my taxes.

Thanks for the correction.


[Edited on 5-3-2012 by DENNIS]

Skipjack Joe - 5-3-2012 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Osprey
"....those WHO do work should have to share....."

And those who don't/won't should pay my taxes.

Thanks for the correction.


[Edited on 5-3-2012 by DENNIS]

And them that don't/won't should pay my taxes.

Barry A. - 5-3-2012 at 12:10 PM

----------what Dennis and SkipJack said.


DENNIS - 5-3-2012 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe

And them that don't/won't should pay my taxes.

That don't sound right....fer sum reeson.


[Edited on 5-3-2012 by DENNIS]

Taco de Baja - 5-3-2012 at 01:14 PM

Andrés mentioned that he would sign his promises, that he was a man of word and he was going to fulfill every single thing when he becomes president of Mexico.

The speech also featured the concept of "change", an idea that had served López Obrador's campaign as flag. Andrés said that voting from any other of the candidates was going to be "more of the same.

So I suppose "change" also means keeping your campaign promises?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

CortezBlue - 5-3-2012 at 02:21 PM


If he gets in we will have 3 socialists to worry about

Hugo, Obrador and curious george

JoeJustJoe - 5-4-2012 at 08:41 AM

I really was disappointed that Andrés Manuel López Obrador lost Mexico's Presidential election in 2006, or rather the election was stolen from him.

AMLO this election year was running far behind in 3rd place, but he is gaining ground quickly, and is currently fighting the PAN women candidate for for second place. Soon AMLO could be knocking on the door to win the election, but he has an uphill battle with multinational corporations scared to death of him, and will pull out all stops to make sure AMLO doesn't win the Presidents seat in Mexico.

Here is a pretty good write up on some of AMLO's goals, although the write up is a little hostile against AMLO. Obrador is not wrong about "Walmart.' Walmart" when looking from far away, or reading WallMart's press releases; might look like it's paying their fair share of taxes, but after all the corporate and accounting loopholes "Walmart" gets away with. It's doubtful "Walmart" pay much taxes in Mexico, and like many multinational companies in Mexico. Walmart pays near slave wages, and doesn't offer many benefits to their employees, but what else is new with "Walmart? Oh yeah, Walmart helps to destroy the Mexican culture, and the traditional ways Mexicans normally buy food and goods from local neighborhood stores:

López Obrador, in Tijuana, makes promise after promise; in blasting Wal-Mart, he says it pays 0.2% in taxes, when the real figure is more than 26%
He pledges pensions for everyone over 78, says he will create an additional 700,000 jobs annually, will lower gasoline and electricity prices, and will provide higher education to everyone who wants it
He says he would do better than what he calls the PRIAN, saying the PRI and the PAN amount to the same thing

By David Gaddis Smith

All the presidential candidates this year are making a lot of promises, but it may be the populist Andrés Manuel López andres manuel lopez obrados marco antonio blasquezObrador who is making the most, or at least the most difficult to keep. The Democratic Revolution Party politician said in a Labor Day appearance in downtown Tijuana on Tuesday that if elected, he would cut the presidential pay in half and also halve the salaries of other top officials. He said Mexicans 78 and older would receive a pension equivalent to half the minimum salary earned in a month. Single mothers and the handicapped would receive government assistance. He said Mexico needs to create 1.2 million jobs a year but only is creating 500,000; he said he would create the other 700,000 jobs. (That is a promise similar to the one made by Vicente Fox in 2000, that Mexico would have 7% growth during his six-year presidency; it did not happen.) López Obrador said the countryside would get more support. He said Mexico is exporting oil, and importing food and gasoline. "It is like exporting oranges and importing orange juice," he said to the laughter of the crowd. He said he would lower gasoline prices (no matter what world market prices are) by doing away with corruption. There would be more government-run day care. Education quality would be improved,

When he asked the thousands in attendance to raise their hand if they would ask five others to back him, nearly everyone did, and enthusiastically. He will need such enthusiasm: He is third in the polls, far behind front-runner Enrique Peńa Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, although on the heels on the National Action Party's Josefina Vázquez Mota in recent surveys. López Obrador said he would do a far better job than what he called the PRIAN, a combination of PRI and PAN. The former PRIista said both parties were the same.

read the rest here:

BE Prepared .....................

MrBillM - 5-4-2012 at 04:26 PM

To claim, once again, that the election is stolen.

When he DOES lose.


From the same usual suspects.

Memories of 1994

thebajarunner - 5-4-2012 at 05:22 PM

The leading presidential candidate, Luis Donaldo Colosio, gunned down during a campaign stop in TJ.

Makes you wonder why any candidate would want to return to this city.

(Of course, we also remember when LBJ took JFK down to Dallas for a November visit to the old home state....)

Biting the Bullet

MrBillM - 5-4-2012 at 10:06 PM

Or, being bit by one, shouldn't be a problem for Lefty O.

Generally, IF they're going to lose anyway, a POPPING just complicates things.