BajaNews - 5-20-2012 at 11:20 PM
18 Mayo 2012
Tijuana is ranked second among the top five favorite cities for vacationing of both domestic and international tourists according to a report by web site, the travel agency with greater presence in Latin America.
Also excelling in this ranking are Cancun, Merida, Guadalajara and Monterrey.
According to the agency, Tijuana has been characterized as a tourist spot that offers modern architecture, museums with different cultural events,
beaches, but above all, the comfort Mexicans have to visit the United States.
In recent years, this border city has become a focal point for visitors, and has gradually lost the stigma of "violent city" that has afflicted it.
Proof of this, in a recent study of the Citizen Council for Public Safety and Criminal Justice that lists the most violent cities in the world,
Tijuana was not part of that list, contrary to 2010 when the city was placed within that ranking.
Recently, in a meeting held between the Mayor of San Diego, Jerry Sanders and Tijuana Mayor Carlos Bustamante at the Institute of the Americas at
UCSD, some Americans expressed their concern about the travel warning issued earlier this year by the Department of State.
In this regard, the U.S. Consul General in Tijuana, Steve Kashkett stated that this warning does not mention Baja California at any time.
"There is a general warning, but does not point to each State and in no way includes Baja California," he said on that occasion. "Many people talk
about this alert, and they know it exists, but have never really read it”.
In the list released by, Cancun stands as the most recognized Mexican resort in the world, followed by Tijuana and Merida.
Despite having some security problems, Guadalajara and Monterrey are located in the top 5, mostly for his cultural contribution and important
commercial and industrial activity.