

vseasport - 5-24-2012 at 04:36 AM

The last couple of weeks has been a wild ride. It started when I was asked to guide SCUBA and off shore fishing up the Sea of Cortez on a mega yacht. I respected the request for anonymity of the owner and left my camera at home but Gary Graham's blog has a detailed description of the expectations of this adventure: Following former footprints and beyond? His Facebook page also has some good photos including one of him jumping into the Sea of Cortez from the bow of the yacht approximately 3 stories up: Gary Graham | Facebook

I was home only one day after hob-knobin with the outrageously rich and famous when my next adventure began and we were pampered again.

Local Buena Vista resident John Fry and his wife Sherry were hosting close friends Pierre & Peta Dreyer along with Albe & Marinda Van Der Merwe from South Africa and decided to do something special. They rented the main Gran Sueños 5 bedroom home at the Bay of Dreams aka: Muertos Bay for an overnight stay. He also chartered Jen Wren III so we could fish our way to Sueños where we spent the night. The following day after a glorious evening we fished our way back to Buena Vista.

The setting and service at the Gran Sueño was spectacular and our fishing in route wasn't half bad either! On this trip I did snap a few photos shared below, although none of them actually capture how gorgeous this place really is.

John and Sherry Fry living large

Albe had never seen Accurate reels before. He was so impressed with their performance I think he may stop at Minerva's and pick up couple before returning to South Africa

This trip was a surprise for Fry's guests and the looks on their faces were priceless when we arrived

The place is magic. It didn't take long for Jen to get in the mood.

Pierre ready to join Albe at the swim up bar. We had a private bar tender all evening but nobody drank much. HA!

The Fry's rented the whole joint for our pleasure

The Gran Sueño dining room

Pierre battles a marlin

I was getting nervous that I might have to pry Albe's fingers off my rod to get my Accurate reel back

They even baked me a birthday cake

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Mark Rayor
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