

vseasport - 5-27-2012 at 11:43 AM

Fish has been awesome the last couple of weeks with marlin, dorado and in shore rooster fish providing quite a show. Catching has been a trick though. On calm days the fish just don't want to go. When a little breeze comes up, the chop on the water is putting fish more into a feeding mode. With it all, Jen Wren skipper Chuy Cota pulled off the hat trick with 2 of our groups this week.

The big East Cape news is yellowfin tuna have finally arrived. Yesterday we were on a school of spinner dolphin 30 plus miles off shore and could see a huge school of tuna with them. They were headed East and were 38 miles off when we left them. This morning another school just 10 miles off shore were located so it looks like game on!

83 year old Russ Sauer has been visiting the East Cape for more than 40 years. He still stands at the rail like a kid to battle marlin and has the same excitement as with his first fish. I want to be like Russ when I grow up.

The marlin have been numerous but very finicky.

Number one.

Denny is the "new guy" on Russ's team. He has only been coming to the East Cape for 16 years.

Number two!

Skipper Chuy pulls off the hat trick with Dave. Number three! Not a bad day in tough conditions.

The boys also landed a few dorado

Pam Gray lands our first tuna of 2012

I'll take em anyway we can get them. We lassoed 2 fish in one day. What are the odds? The fish are finicky and just batting the baits around. Luck trumps skill.

For frequent East Cape updates "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

woody with a view - 5-27-2012 at 12:10 PM

nice! c'mon TUNA!

Skipjack Joe - 5-27-2012 at 12:20 PM

Close your eyes, Dennis.

Fishmagician - 5-27-2012 at 12:31 PM

What a great day you had, thanks for the photos...

acadist - 5-27-2012 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
nice! c'mon TUNA!