The Sea of Cortez Writers' Group has committed to continue meeting throughout the summer months every Thursday morning from 10 AM to Noon at El
Corazon Restaurant, SW corner of Revolucion and Constitucion, diagonally across the intersection from the La Paz Post Office.
Please bring 8 copies of whatever you intend to present for review. There are no restrictions on subject matter. Members of writers' groups from
other communities are welcome to join us and share our enthusiasm for the written word. DENNIS - 5-31-2012 at 07:52 PM
The Sea of Cortez Writers' Group
Never heard of this group. Who they be?bajajazz - 6-1-2012 at 05:17 PM
The group goes back at least a dozen years or so when, with financial and creative support from longtime Pacenos like Mac & Mary Shroyer and
George and Marjorie Hitchc-ck (and others whose names I don't know or can't recall -- sorry) it was part of an effort that published the "Sea of
Cortez Review," a "small magazine" that lasted for a while then went the way of most all "small magazines."
The good news is that some of the original contributors, people like Lee Moore, are still active in keeping the critical component of the group's
purpose alive.
New energy has entered the process in the form of people like George & Roz Potvin, who bought the Hitchc-ck's house a few years back and have
generously offered their not inconsiderable time and talents to keeping the effort together.DENNIS - 6-1-2012 at 06:15 PM
Thanks. Is there any work available to the public?