
Never Get Complacent!

RnR - 6-2-2012 at 03:47 PM

The short story:

Just returned north from the East Cape area and had a significant value of jewelry go missing at one of the military checkpoints.

There's probably no chance of recovering the jewelry but I would like to file a formal complaint. Need some help from a north or southbound traveler with this.

It happened at either the San Ignacio or Rosarito/El Tomatal (15 miles north of Jesus Maria) checkpoint.

There is an information board posted at both checkpoints that lists a phone number at which to file complaints or suggestions, "quejas o sugerencias". I need that phone number or, even better, an email address.

Both checkpoints are probably manned out of the Guerrero Negro army base. Anybody in Guerrero Negro know somebody at the base that could take the complaint? Again, phone number or preferably an email address? My telephone Spanish is not great, written Spanish is much better. Thanks in advance.

Now the long story:

Coming north we hit the Loreto checkpoint in the late afternoon. Instead of the cursory 2-3 minute inspection on the highway, we (and every other large vehicle) were waved into secondary. Four soldiers descended on my truck/trailer combo and proceeded to do the most detailed inspection that you can ever imagine. An hour and 20 minutes of inspection by four guys at once!!!!! They looked into everything! The plastic drainage plugs in the vehicle doors/frame, the air cleaner, flashlights into the coolant recovery/windshield washer tanks. Tapped on everything!. Essentially emptied every cabinet in the trailer, felt the mattress, pulled the heater grates and used flashlights and mirrors in the heater ducts, pulled the access panels around the tub and refrigerator. Opened shampoo bottles and looked/sampled inside. Unbelievable!!!!

This is about 20 rountrips for us and I've never seen anything like it. We were not alone. They had two other RV's getting the same treament. There must have been 30-40 soldiers ready for the inspections. After about 10 minutes of this I asked the sargeant what was going on. His answer, "Three days ago they found a US plated motorhome with the wall cavities packed full of drug packages."

The jewelry did not disappear at this checkpoint. As a matter of fact, the soldier checking the bathroom cabinet turned to me and handed me the small cloth pouch containing my wife's jewelry. He said, "Please take and hold this. I do not want to be held responsible for it."

After this experience, I told my wife to stash that jewelry pouch. In her purse, in her pant's pocket, somewhere more secure than a bathroom cabinet ....

Stayed the night at Santispac. Next day, onward. Pretty much the same story at San Ignacio checkpoint. About an hour! Same story at Rosarito/El Tomatal - about an hour inspection. This was getting OLD!!!!

Pulled in for the night at Santa Inez. I was setting up outside and there's a shriek (cussing) from my wife. The jewelry pouch is gone!

Had to have happened at San Ignacio or Rosarito. We had watched the inspecting soldiers very closely (as usual) but somehow one of them made off with the pouch. It's easy to watch when they do the 2 minute inspection and do nothing other than open the cabinets/refrigerator and just look in. It's another story when they are taking everything out of the cabinets, making it into a pile, and then putting it back. In the confines of a motorhome it's very easy to block what their hands are doing with their body and you have no where to stand except behind them!

The checkpoints further north were back to business as usual. A brief, cursory look and even a wave-through on the Tecate highway.

Can't say that I learned a lesson because we already know the lesson. With the detail of the searching and three soldiers in the RV at one time, it just wasn't possible to see everything that was going on.

Watch them and never get complacent!

Once again, phone numbers/email address/contact person name for filing a complaint, please. Thnx

Other posts have alluded to the same in-depth searches. Don't know how long it will be before this enthusiasm wears off. Hopefully soon!!


captkw - 6-2-2012 at 04:08 PM

HOLA,,SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS AND SUPPORT YOU 100 PERCENT IN FILEING A REPORT WITH THE ARMY !! ops caps... you might also file with the tourism department as they take complaints about the well being of their tourist rather serious. Or I should say from my own expericne they used too.. I dont think that has changed in the past few years..they have a speical office/department for thing's of this matter and I dont know what its called..but I'm sure you will find on their gov tourist website and thanks for the heads up !! I think this stupid war on drugs is NOT WORKING,,duhh,ya think???? K & T :cool:

shari - 6-2-2012 at 06:16 PM

I just heard today that another of a nomad...had his ipod stolen at the ensenada checkpoint. It was in a backpack in a ziplock and the thief poked a hole in the bag instead of opening the zip....creep....didnt take the camera though...guess he has on guard.

[Edited on 6-3-2012 by shari]