Gypsy Jan - 6-4-2012 at 10:43 AM
Por: 2 Junio 2012
OTAY MESA.- Customs and Border Protection officials at the Otay Mesa port of entry will begin a five-week booth replacement project.
"Starting Monday, June 4th, officials will start replacing two inspection booths per week for a total of 10 out of 13 booths.
Two inspection booths at a time will be restored over five days, with work commencing on Monday and completing on Friday.
Travelers should not worry about changing their travel routine for crossing the border through the Otay Mesa port of entry since additional stacked
booths that hold two inspection booth per traffic lane will be open to help during peak commuting times during the five-week project.
According to CBP officials the booth upgrade project is needed to "keep up with the ever-growing inspectional demands, and to accommodate advances in
enforcement technology and system improvements."
"We appreciate the public's patience during construction while we improve the border crossing," said Frank Jaramillo, port director of the San Ysidro
and Otay Mesa passenger ports of entry.
Travelers can get updated information about border wait times by calling 619-671-8999 (Otay Mesa border crossing) and 619-690-8999 (San Ysidro border
crossing). "