
San Lucas Cove Yellowtail Tourney results

Pescador - 6-5-2012 at 08:17 AM

What a great tournament we had, especially since the fish were biting very well and every boat had hookups, even though there were lots of fish that never made it to the boat. Most of the fish were hooked on the 110 spot on the north side of San Marcos and they are really difficult to keep out of the rocks if you are not prepared with good equipment, proper line, and correct knots.

First place, Sergio Osuna, with a 31.5 lb fish

Second Place, Brenda Goodson 29.91 lb fish

Third Place, Stuart Otto 29.05 lb fish

The Calcutta, which was where the big money was paid 15,600 pesos to the Marisol boat with a total weight of 57.29 for two fish. Fishermen were Lorenzo Ruiz, Sergio Osuna, and Raymundo Lopez.

I was so busy weighing fish and figuring results, I failed to get any decent pictures, but you have all seen lots of yellowtail anyway.

Cypress - 6-5-2012 at 10:46 AM

Pescador, Thanks! Time for a fish-fry!:biggrin:

chuckie - 6-5-2012 at 03:42 PM

Great time, sounds like...Next year for sure....

Bob and Susan - 6-5-2012 at 04:11 PM

some friends bought us some really fresh yellowtail in santa rosalia yesterday

10 kilos for 720 pesos

thats 22 pounds for $52 usa at 13.8 (yesterdays rate at the bank)

and that's $2.37usa a pound

a great price

LaTijereta - 6-5-2012 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
some friends bought us some really fresh yellowtail in santa rosalia yesterday

10 kilos for 720 pesos

thats 22 pounds for $52 usa at 13.8 (yesterdays rate at the bank)

and that's $2.37usa a pound

a great price

In Loreto.. Pescaderia's are paying $15 pesos a kilo for yellowtail brought in by the commercial guys..
Money to be made by everyone..:cool:

Bob and Susan - 6-5-2012 at 05:39 PM

so you're saying the store pays 15 pesos for a kilo

kilo is 2.2 pounds
yesterdays rate was 13.8 to one

that's 50 cents a pound for yellowtail

what is the retail there today?

Pescador - 6-6-2012 at 07:19 AM

Wholesale in San Bruno is 13 pesos per kilo right now because there is a good suppy of fish. Cabrilla and grouper bring 45 and Huachinango (the small ones) bring 55. Ever wonder why the grouper, Cabrilla, and Red snapper are harder to catch.

When you filllet, you don't quite get 50%, so wholesale is at least 30 pesos a kilo, and I have seen it go for around 45 pesos a kilo so your price of 72 pesos a kilo was a little on the high side.

backninedan - 6-6-2012 at 10:31 AM

The prices paid by the pescaderia is for the whole fish, head, guts, the works. Not sure what the percentage of filet weight versus total weight would be.

Bob H - 6-6-2012 at 11:31 AM

Wow, I did not know that fisherman had to know so much math!

LaTijereta - 6-6-2012 at 11:39 AM

Dan is correct.. that price paid in Loreto is for the whole fish..

I checked today.. and fresh Yellowtail is selling for $75 pesos a kilo here in Loreto... (where everything always costs more:rolleyes:)

You could make a better deal if you were buying more.. say 10 kilos..

Cypress - 6-6-2012 at 11:57 AM

It's probably cheaper to buy it than to catch it when you factor in all the misc.$$$.