
Punta Chivato area report

Russ - 6-12-2012 at 07:36 AM

More folks out fishing the last few days. They're going to areas North & South and about half are getting dorado. El Famoso got a 45lb+ yesterday
Seiners came in in force yesterday. I see at least 10 but there are probably more inside the bay. I friend called Pesca and they said they'd put a team together and check them out. Sure! Maņana:lol:
Photos taken with the 1000mm max zoom on the Nikon P510. Probably 7 miles away.

Mulege in the back ground

[Edited on 6-12-2012 by Russ]

Hook - 6-12-2012 at 07:43 AM

Is it illegal for them to seine sardines there?

baitcast - 6-12-2012 at 08:45 AM

Check them out for what Russ?

Pompano - 6-12-2012 at 09:24 AM

Russ...some things never change.

Here is Santispac , Bay of the late 50's.

Santispac again...1975

A Guaymas shrimper and me in my old 1964 16ft Lund

Even then, protesting the illegal shrimping going on in the Bay was ..useless. We saw some by-catches that were unbelievably wasteful.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed much since the first photo. No enforcement of the law. The same as happens in the USA.


Russ - 6-12-2012 at 09:30 AM

I don't know. What ever can be trumped up to stop them from netting the mouth of Bahia Concepcion. This is the largest bay SOC has, on this side anyway and it deserves some protection. I believe there are some laws that are on the books to protect the bay but I don't have the facts. Just the words of local fishermen and the people from the fisheries. I could go on & on about how I feel about the rape going on here but why? I'd just get a bunch of trolls telling me I'm an idiot. Best we can do is call officials and see if they respond.... No response yet.
It was just reported that there are 11 whale sharks in a small area. There have been recent reports of as many as 22. Majestic critters!

Cypress - 6-12-2012 at 10:21 AM

Russ, Thanks for keeping us posted. Evidently, as long as the pelagics return each year, the absence of resident fish doesn't register.:o

BajaBlanca - 6-12-2012 at 10:55 AM

well, a real fishing report ! looks like the fish are coming in, slowly but surely.

nothing to report in la bocana, yet :biggrin:

We had some Mexican marine biologists here last year who told us that those shrimp boats are 100% legal. What Mexico is thinking of doing is buying back their licenses. They told us that the boats can come right up to shoreline, it is allowed, contrary to popular belief.

steve5555 - 6-14-2012 at 10:00 PM

Thanks for the fish report Russ. What is the status of the campground? Showers, toilets etc? steve

Russ - 6-15-2012 at 08:42 AM

A few more fishermen out today after winds the last two days. But the wind is picking up now. It looked bumpy this morning when it was calm.
Free beach camping. NO services but you could make arrangements at the Hotelito/Chibatos restaurant to accommodate your needs.

Bob and Susan - 6-15-2012 at 12:36 PM

there are NO seiners in the bay

they are in front of mulege and in front of the bay

the dorado are by the slide just outside the bay about 5 miles out

Russ - 6-16-2012 at 07:20 AM

That's good!
Lots of seiners out side our islands today and some just outside Mulege.

steve5555 - 6-22-2012 at 07:46 PM

Thanks Russ. We will be coming done in mid July. steve