
2 Dead off coast of San Quintin

luv2fish - 6-30-2012 at 12:02 AM

2 Tuna fishermen were killed yesterday when the helicopter they were flying in crashed 60 miles south west of San Martin Isle. I guess this is the same company that " Farms " tuna in Ensenada. Wish Paul Watson and his homies were to crash the party...

[Edited on 6-30-2012 by luv2fish]

Howard - 6-30-2012 at 05:54 AM

I'm confused. What is funny about 2 deaths?

desertcpl - 6-30-2012 at 07:22 AM

I dont think this is funny at all

dtbushpilot - 6-30-2012 at 08:07 AM

Who is Paul Watson? Maybe it was some kind of inside joke?

David K - 6-30-2012 at 08:35 AM

Watson is that white hairded nut job captain on Whale Wars. So, we aren't supposed to eat tuna now to be PC ??

[Edited on 6-30-2012 by David K]

capt. mike - 6-30-2012 at 09:03 AM

I don't get the ref to PW either - ??!!

my friend DOCTOR Paul Watson reads here but rarely posts. He has had a place near SQ for 30 years but summers elsewhere.

luv2fish - 6-30-2012 at 11:52 AM

Originally posted by desertcpl
I dont think this is funny at all

My bad, in no way is there anything funny about 2 lives lost. What I meant by the smileys was that I'd love for the Sea Shepherds to go into Mexico and start kicking but. My apologies if anybody was offended.

DianaT - 6-30-2012 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by luv2fish
Originally posted by desertcpl
I dont think this is funny at all

My bad, in no way is there anything funny about 2 lives lost. What I meant by the smileys was that I'd love for the Sea Shepherds to go into Mexico and start kicking but. My apologies if anybody was offended.


Glad you clarified what was in your mind --- :yes:

Cypress - 6-30-2012 at 12:00 PM

luv2fish, Know where you're coming from. No apologies needed.:spingrin:

luv2fish - 6-30-2012 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
luv2fish, Know where you're coming from. No apologies needed.:spingrin:


fandango - 6-30-2012 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by David K
Watson is that white hairded nut job captain on Whale Wars. So, we aren't supposed to eat tuna now to be PC ??

[Edited on 6-30-2012 by David K]

i have a simple bumper sticker:


motoged - 6-30-2012 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by David K
Watson is that white hairded nut job captain on Whale Wars. So, we aren't supposed to eat tuna now to be PC ??
[Edited on 6-30-2012 by David K]

David, David, David ....:rolleyes:

Paul Watson attempts to bring attention to unethical hunting/fishing practices re: whales, dolphins, and disease-producing fish farming.

I doubt he would have problems with you eating tuna (in fact, you might want to eat a can a day and see how your mercury levels rise in your blood :biggrin: )....but would have something to say about how the tuna were caught or raised.

He is an extremist in his field (or, more accurately, "in his ocean")....but you have some experience being an extremist with some of your views....does that qualify you to be a nut job? :?::?:

[Edited on 6-30-2012 by motoged]

David K - 6-30-2012 at 03:15 PM

Yah, I am a nut about Baja and about Baja loving people!


captkw - 6-30-2012 at 03:30 PM

tuna in a can? YUK !!! and match it with some BIMBO white bread!!!!:lol::lol:

willardguy - 6-30-2012 at 07:31 PM

gotta go with david on this one for sure! lets learn more about paul watson.

dtbushpilot - 6-30-2012 at 10:09 PM

I've watched the (Paul Watson) show one time and another time part way and wondered who was financing this guy and his band of wale huggers to go out and break the law to promote a TV show.

If the whalers are working within the law these guys have no right to impede them, I will admit that I've not spent much time watching the program but what I saw looked like someone breaking the law to promote his (or his sponsors) agenda.....

Am I missing something?

J.P. - 6-30-2012 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
I've watched the (Paul Watson) show one time and another time part way and wondered who was financing this guy and his band of wale huggers to go out and break the law to promote a TV show.

If the whalers are working within the law these guys have no right to impede them, I will admit that I've not spent much time watching the program but what I saw looked like someone breaking the law to promote his (or his sponsors) agenda.....

Am I missing something?

Depends on which side of a issue you are on dont it.:lol::lol:

watizname - 7-1-2012 at 07:43 AM

The Sea Sheapards is one envirowacko movement that I agree with, on the whale hunting thing. I really don't know what else they do, but, I see no reason to hunt and kill whales and or dolphins at all. Nada. I don't know where they get their money, cuz it must cost some major bucks to run those boats, and they certainly have unorthodox methods, but I'm kinda glad they are doing what they are doing. If the eskimo's want to hunt whales from a canoe, for food, OK, that's part of their culture, and more or less a fair fight. But high tech ships, and floating processing plants cruising the seas just to hunt whales, seems to me to be overly destuctive. :smug:

goldhuntress - 7-1-2012 at 08:37 AM

Sorry for the two killed in the crash. As far as Sea Shepard goes ......"Desperate affairs require desperate measures" ~ Horatio Nelson

capt. mike - 7-1-2012 at 10:36 AM

ok, i get it. diff PW

David K - 7-1-2012 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
gotta go with david on this one for sure! lets learn more about paul watson.

That's some link, Willard!

Fishmagician - 7-4-2012 at 09:11 AM


I have to agree, just because you have a position on a topic does not give one the right to violate the law to make their point. Other folks have different strokes, so some like whale meat others don't.

woody with a view - 7-4-2012 at 12:18 PM

that said, if they keep doing shows like Tuna Wranglers where they replicate the tuna pens in baja only the show is based in Australia there won't be any tuna left in the sea in a generation.

there needs to be a sensible limit. processor ships which hardly ever stop plying the seas are not the answer.

read it and weep:

shari - 7-4-2012 at 02:59 PM

Paul Watson has the biggest cajones ever and I respect him for that..funding comes from thousands of people who donate to "his agenda" which happens to be stopping environmental disasters from occurring...species being decimated ...stuff like that. I couldn't believe they actually put his campaigns on tv for the general public to witness. Believe me amigos, Paul couldnt give a crap about the tv show..he has been an effective activist waaaaay before he was a tv star....but I bet donations have increased now that his plights are "mainstream"...Go Paul Go

motoged - 7-4-2012 at 03:42 PM

I felt like I was sticking my neck out on BN when I suggested Paul Watson has a legitimate role....and some folks replied with the usual "he's a nut job" and "wrong".

Then a few stood up to the plate and recognized some value in his role.

"Desperate times call for desperate action" type of thinking has a place here.

Let's set up a context:

1) When BN's hear of some form of actual or perceived injustice, there is often a flurry of chest-pounding (i.e. venting or mental masturbation) as to what type of weapons and ordinance they would use to resolve the problem....(e.g. A guy steals a gringo's boat so he should be shot or blown up). Most of those folks are blowing it out their burros as I doubt many of them would really pull the trigger....and those who would pull the trigger would either have previous experience with killing (law enforcement or military) and all the psychological trauma that usually goes with such events, or would be psychopaths who just have no conscience or moral compass.

2) When an injustice occurs, one needs to determine the impact of that on them and what options they have to respond.
An initial emotional reaction is often tempered by some logic kicking in sooner or later. Once the mental dust settles, a person is left with several options for a response...and they will act on one of them to one degree or another.

Paul Watson is fiercely dedicated to the cause of stopping species extinction and corporate rape of the environment. He puts his actions where his mouth is....

He is fighting a war....and all seems to be fair in love and war.

He isn't hiding behind unmanned drones....he puts his own burro out there.

He IS invading the enemy's territory.....kinda like the Navy Seals snuffing Bin Laden .....(which is coloring outside the lines....but effective).

One might say that Paul is protecting his property that others are stealing.... he is attempting to stand up for some biological preservation....which we all deserve as individuals and a small blue planet.

You may not like his methods, but as one BN says:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing";

Or as another says:

"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm........George Orwell

Do not wish ill for your enemy, plan for it "

Just sayin'...

DianaT - 7-4-2012 at 03:54 PM

Very nice post, motoged. :yes:

dtbushpilot - 7-4-2012 at 09:12 PM

Ged, I didn't get any of it after "mental masturbation":lol::lol::lol:

Actually well thought out and articulated, good food for thought, thanks.....dt

redhilltown - 7-9-2012 at 11:41 PM

I dunno... this thread was originally about (sadly) a couple of helicopter pilots dying near San Quintin. My guess is that they were spotting for tuna for the pens near Ensenada and then Watson was dragged in for no good reason. It is not like they are breeding these tuna vis-a-vis your Mt Whitney trout farms. They find them, shove them in there, fatten them up, and sell them. In the meantime they trash all the local bait fish and in the process kill the ocean floor beneath the pens.

Watson may be an extremist in his field but to label anyone who supports sound fishing practices as an "whacko" is idiocy.

Apples and oranges here folks.

luv2fish - 7-17-2012 at 06:00 PM

Looks like another tuna fishing vessel lost another plane near La Bufadora.

Russ - 7-17-2012 at 07:01 PM

I'm fairly ignorant about this whole penned tuna commercialization thing. But have some basic strong feeling. ? I most of these pen raised tuna are going to Japan why don't they do it over there?
? Maybe because they've wipe out their resources? Now they want ours:?:

Packoderm - 7-17-2012 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Howard
I'm confused. What is funny about 2 deaths?

It's because their fishing line got caught in the propeller and stalled the helicopter.