
Election fallout

thebajarunner - 7-3-2012 at 04:40 PM

Interesting, a news source within the hour is quoting AMLO as saying he is only 240,000 votes behind and will contest the election.
The official government election website says 99% votes tallied and the spread is 2.2 million.
As usual, this will not end in an easy or orderly fashion.
Of note- while the winning tally is around 38% approval, that means 62% disapproval.
Also, the legislative races are turning out very poorly for PRI,
looking like less than 25% seats in the Senate.

So, pull up a chair, pop a cool one, someone start the popcorn machine, this will get a lot steamier before it cools down.

prorader - 7-3-2012 at 04:54 PM

So what is new? Same Crap different year.

BajaBlanca - 7-3-2012 at 06:03 PM

I think this is definitely gonna be worth some popcorn.

DavidE - 7-3-2012 at 06:29 PM

I seem to remember something about "hung chads, corpses voting" and other things. Getting old; can't remember exactly except a lot of citizens throwing hate barbs back and forth --- nasty, nasty accusations. Must have been in Rwanda, or Borneo or somewhere.