
Setting The Record Straight

CaboMagic - 7-4-2012 at 01:49 PM

First of all thanks BajaJudy for the nod - even tho in the nearly 20 yrs we have been in biz in Cabo we've never had the pleasure of meeting you or your husband, we respect and appreciate what you and he have done, and continue to do.

We arrange charters for pangas, cruisers, sportfishers and yachts.

To set the record straight because of KarenInTx's post:
I'll preface this by saying one annoying thing about Cabo is the game of telephone that gets played alot - and this is one example - and KareninTX I am pretty sure I know WHO you got your info from and suffice to say she/he/they are 2 who used my husband to get what they needed and wanted and did so in a most unethical manner - BUT TOMMY (his name never has been TONY) is famous for several things in Cabo and elsewhere as well - one of which is extending his hand for help when asked - and when in Cabo the one/s in need weasels his/her way into getting the whole arm of assistance instead - and its always for free - soooooooo ... if we are not there to be asked, it wont happen again.

1. The Hacienda did not chain up our boats - We sold the 31' a few yrs ago and allowed the name to be used.
2. The 35' is involved in a labor dispute from an employee who worked for my (deceased) father in law 1999-2000 and who was fired for stealing tens of thousands of dollars for fishing licenses ... he also forged several signatures including mine.
3, We recently closed the office at Marina Sol.

We will continue to do what we do, how we do it - adding to the angst and frutration of those that cannot.

So to the original poster - Cielomar - we wont put 4 guests on a panga. You are looking for - at minimum - a single engine 28' cruiser - anything smaller isnt safe. If I can be of additional assistance, I welcome the opportunity. Please make contact from our website

Wishing all a happy and safe 4th of July.