

David K - 7-8-2012 at 08:17 PM

Well amigos, today we began preparing for our big Baja vacation, beginning in a few days!

1) Got Pesos at Costco, Chula Vista at 1:45 pm Sunday (exit I-5 at Palomar, go east to Broadway, go north to entrance just past Costco gasoline station (just one signal north on Broadway). No commission money exchange for members located inside store. Today the rate was 12.905 to the dollar. That teller window closed for 30 min. at 2 pm.

2) Drive to last U.S. exit in San Ysidro, and go left over bridge to $6 parking at motel, next to Jack in the Box, just north of border, northbound.

3) Walk over bridge to southbound pedestrian entrance for Mexico. Just inside Mexico is an INM building, not yet open... continue just ahead to elevated offices on the left, up a couple stair steps. The first office is the INM office, open door walk in.

4) With happy smiles and practicing Spanish, greet the nice (lady) official. Presented our passports, told her we were going as far south as Cabo San Lucas and going by automobile. Also asked if she would make the FMM valid for 180 days (just in case we are really enjoying ourselves). She filled out the FMMs and stamped them.

5) Was pleasantly surprised when she informed us that INM now can accept the fee/tax... No more searching for an open bank. The fee/tax was 290 pesos or $24 US (either currency was acceptable). That exchange rate is 12.08 pesos per dollar. We used our recently purchased pesos.

6) The whole experience was nice, quick and friendly. She even asked me the correct way to say 'Have a good trip' after we exchanged some weather terminology.

THE NEW INM HOURS (Tijuana/San Ysidro): OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6 am to 10 pm.

We walked on and the first taco stand we came to had us enjoying a wonderful taste treat and Mexican Coca Cola!

From the taco cafe we walked over the bridge to the northbound pedestrian walk, and there was some kind of LONG line... However, it moved fairly fast and we were back in the USA and to our nearby parked car in a reasonable while.

The Costco stop, walk into Mexico, FMM tourist cards (which are much smaller than the FM-Ts they replaced, just a 1/4" taller than a passport and the same width), some tacos for lunch, border wait walking north... all took 2 hours.

Here is what the FMM looks like, front and back:


Until today, I wasn't positive that we could do this trip... Now we are sure, and only need to pack the Tacoma and head south. My wonderful wife really deserves a nice time off from work, so I am going to do my best to show here a good time and relax the way only a Baja vacation can. We look forward to seeing some of our Nomad friends on our trip and we will share it with you when we return.

[Edited on 7-9-2012 by David K]

BornFisher - 7-8-2012 at 09:39 PM

David-- I`m really wondering what advantage there is in getting your docs in advance of your trip. Is there a reason you just don`t pick them up when you make the trip? BTW I crossed today (Sun) and it was even more of a mess than usual!! And it was messy!!

Ateo - 7-8-2012 at 09:42 PM

Go get Baja David K! Report back.

David K - 7-8-2012 at 09:57 PM

Originally posted by BornFisher
David-- I`m really wondering what advantage there is in getting your docs in advance of your trip. Is there a reason you just don`t pick them up when you make the trip? BTW I crossed today (Sun) and it was even more of a mess than usual!! And it was messy!!

I think you answered your question: "I crossed today (Sun) and it was even more of a mess than usual!! And it was messy!!"

I never have done this before... always got them on our way south. However, with the mess there in Mexican Secondary, where we always parked in the past, we wanted to have everything done. That so on the day of the trip... NO WORRIES (is INM going to be open, is the bank teller going to be open, etc.???)

We had the day to do it, we live in San Diego County, and it all worked great. Now we can cross at Tecate or anywhere, anytime that border is open without worrying about being able to get the FMM before we reached Baja CA Sur or where-ever the 'Border Zone' actually ends (Maneadero/San Felipe typically) now.

Start Baja Angel's vacation totally relaxed and ready to go!

Where we go each night, we are not sure... Basically where ever we want, as the Tacoma will take us there in comfort with 4WD, AC, and XM Satellite Radio :cool: When we get to our camp site, we will enjoy the warm, tropical air... under our shade. :yes:

willardguy - 7-8-2012 at 10:02 PM

can you get these fmm's anywhere south of border towns?

David K - 7-8-2012 at 10:11 PM

Nomads have reported that you can get them at the Baja Sur border on Hwy. 1 (Guerrero Negro)...

HOWEVER, you could be well south of the 'Border Zone' (where by-law, you are supposed to not go beyond without an FMM) when you get there (Guerrero Negro). ALSO, if you cross into Baja Sur at the other roads across the state border, then what?

Anyway, it was easy to do it at the border... and have it all done.

Mulegena - 7-8-2012 at 10:39 PM

Enjoy your summer vacation, David K and Baja Angel.

Remember its already hot down here but as you know the water is wonderful in the bay and nights cool down fast for some good camping.

Have fun and hope to see you.
Keep in touch.

tripledigitken - 7-9-2012 at 04:37 AM


We usually get our FMM's before our trip too. Living in San Diego it's easy to do, and it's an excuse to have lunch in TJ.

The reason we started doing this is one vacation the office was closed on a Sat. morning around 6:30 a.m. We went on our way without them, but it was on our minds throughout the trip.

Have a great time.


msteve1014 - 7-9-2012 at 06:02 AM

We came through Friday at 6 am. No mess at that time. INM was open, and easy, as was customs. We had items to declare, no problem.

Bajaboy - 7-9-2012 at 06:06 AM

Yep, we're started getting ours in advance, too. Good to know they now accept payment now as well. Just an fyi, we actually were asked for our FMMs in GN in June. We'll see if they ask next week upon our return north.

Frank - 7-9-2012 at 06:51 AM

Did they say anything about returning the FMM when you come back?

ncampion - 7-9-2012 at 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Frank
Did they say anything about returning the FMM when you come back?

I was curious about that also, I thought you had to surrender the FMM when returning, or is it now a "multiple entry" permit.

PS: DK, hope to see you later in the month.

Udo - 7-9-2012 at 07:40 AM

It is now a multiple entry permit, and you send them back to the TJ office with about two weeks left on the expiration date (mail is slow).
If you regularly cross in Tecate, drop them off personally at the INM office.

When we flew to Cabo two weeks ago, the b-tch at INM office would not accept our FMMs which do not expire until November of this year, and had us fill out new ones good for only 30 took away our 180 days FMM's!!

tripledigitken - 7-9-2012 at 07:47 AM

Here is the address to mail them before they expire:


David K - 7-9-2012 at 07:52 AM

Good Morning!

I enlarged and showed my FMM above, where you can see it says to surrender them when you leave Mexico. However, who at INM could guess that a 'tourist' would take more than one 'vacation' in a 6 month period?

When we were saying our goodbyes to the INM official, I told her we were beginning our trip in 6 days and had her point the way for us to walk back to the USA. Obviously, that constitutes a second trip into Mexico, at least. She didn't say there was anything wrong with that.

We will keep these FMMs until they are about to expire, then mail them in (if I don't forget to) to the address provided by Discover Baja Travel Club some time ago... or a newer address if one becomes known... Here is from that post (Dec. 2009):

Return Tourist permits before they expire to any Mexican Immigration office OR send by mail to:

Instituto Nacional de Migracion
Puente Puerta S/N
Colonia Federal
Tijuana, B.C. Mexico C.P. 22310

(postage is 79 cents from U.S.)

If you fail to have you tourist permit validated when you enter Mexico (using a pre-paid FM-T) or fail to return them before they expire you could be fined up to $220 dollars for each permit.

BornFisher - 7-9-2012 at 08:26 AM


When we flew to Cabo two weeks ago, the b-tch at INM office would not accept our FMMs which do not expire until November of this year, and had us fill out new ones good for only 30 took away our 180 days FMM's!!

Did you fly out of TJ? I flew down 2 weeks ago out of TJ, and the guy said my visa (dated Feb. 20, 2012) was fine. And no I didn`t give it up and may use it again before it expires.

David K - 7-9-2012 at 09:34 AM

I forgot to mention that our passports were also stamped (first time for us when getting tourist cards).

jahImpala3 - 7-9-2012 at 11:11 AM

Thanks DK:yes:

Hook - 7-9-2012 at 01:15 PM

Has it really gotten so bad at the San Ysidro crossing that a drive from Oceanside and back, including walking across the border and back, is EASIER and LESS TIME CONSUMING than just getting them at the border?

msteve1014 - 7-9-2012 at 02:15 PM

Not if you go early. I have never been there after 7am, so I do not know about that. I leave home at 3am.

gallesram - 7-9-2012 at 03:24 PM

We got our cards issued when we were down last week; just did it on the way down. Arrived at 3:30 and the whole process was finished in about 15 minutes. When we arrived in Guererro Negro the next day, the immigration guy actually came over and wanted to see them; first time in several years he has ever shown his face to us. You just never know if/when he'll ask for them, so we always make sure to get them.

They do have free 7-day passes good for a single entry; my friend got one of those last trip and not only did he forget to send it in after leaving the country, he actually forgot that he had tucked it in one of the pages of his passport. Of course, as he's getting nis new pass last week, the old one fell out on the immigration guy's desk who looked at it and began quizzing us. We then learned it was a violation that it hadn't been turned in, etc. etc.; I was just waiting to see what the fine would be. To my surprise, he let us go with no fine and just a warning.

willardguy - 7-9-2012 at 05:19 PM

well get this, today I was fooling around in tijuana and decided to get legal. from the mexico side to get to immigration you walk along the street where the cars are coming out of secondary, theres a giant sign that reads do not pass this point. so you walk around this sign anyway. theres a guard shack you sign in with the nice guard and proceed to immigration.
filled out the fmm and was sent to the bank (even though I told him I knew david K!) came back, got stamped and asked if I had to surrender it upon returning. the officer just grinned and said "no".
ahh mexico, just when ya think ya got it figured out!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

DianaT - 7-9-2012 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by David K

5) Was pleasantly surprised when she informed us that INM now can accept the fee/tax... No more searching for an open bank. The fee/tax was 290 pesos or $24 US (either currency was acceptable). That exchange rate is 12.08 pesos per dollar. We used our recently purchased pesos.

A friend who was coming to visit about 3 years ago at Christmas time was told the same thing. He happily paid the agent and said Feliz Navidad.

Has the policy now changed for real?

Hook - 7-9-2012 at 06:22 PM

I think the policy has changed.................depending on the INM agent on duty. :lol:

Especially near Christmas.

There was a spate of these INM paid FMMs over here a few months back.......right before Christmas. No receipt stapled to the FMM as had been customary.

David K - 7-9-2012 at 09:48 PM

The FM-T first had two stamps, one from the bank teller when you paid, and the final validating one from INM. If you bought a pre-paid one at Discover Baja, you still had to stop at INM and get the second stamp to make it 'good' when you entered Mexico.

The last FM-T we got (2009) had a big sheet of paper stapled to the FM-T from the bank teller with a stamp.

Yesterday's FMM had just a single stamp (as you can see above)... I wonder how INM knows if you really paid if you went to the bank with it, unless the bank teller provides a separate receipt?

mooose29 - 7-9-2012 at 11:41 PM

A few months back we crossed at Otay and it was super easy and quick, right on too Blvd 2000 after we got our stamps. We did have prepaid visas from Discover Baja which are a bit more expensive but well worth the convenience. Just get stamped and you are on your way. Took us 10 minutes for four of is and we were on our way south.

woody with a view - 7-10-2012 at 07:01 AM

DK did you ask her why Costco gave you 12.9 but she gave you 12.08? that's $1.20 per FMM going into their pocket! or is Costco giving money away?

DianaT - 7-10-2012 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by David K

Yesterday's FMM had just a single stamp (as you can see above)... I wonder how INM knows if you really paid if you went to the bank with it, unless the bank teller provides a separate receipt?

With the FM3, there is no stamp showing one paid, but INM does not process the FM3 without a receipt from the bank --- I am guessing it may be the same with the FMM or as Hook said, they stapled the receipt to the FMM.

Still wondering if they really have changed their policy to legally allow the INM agents to receive the money directly.

David K - 7-10-2012 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view
DK did you ask her why Costco gave you 12.9 but she gave you 12.08? that's $1.20 per FMM going into their pocket! or is Costco giving money away?

No, she did say she would take dollars or pesos, it was our choice. $24 dollars or $290 pesos.

woody with a view - 7-10-2012 at 07:46 AM

i can't believe you fell for it. did you get the receipt stapled to it? i guess that is all that matters.

David K - 7-10-2012 at 07:46 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by David K

Yesterday's FMM had just a single stamp (as you can see above)... I wonder how INM knows if you really paid if you went to the bank with it, unless the bank teller provides a separate receipt?

With the FM3, there is no stamp showing one paid, but INM does not process the FM3 without a receipt from the bank --- I am guessing it may be the same with the FMM or as Hook said, they stapled the receipt to the FMM.

Still wondering if they really have changed their policy to legally allow the INM agents to receive the money directly.

I did read before (here, I think) that they were now bonded or whatever was needed so they could take the money at INM. She (the INM official) made it clear we could pay down at the bank window or her, it made no difference to her. She had a money drawer, and it seemed legit the way she did the procedure. On and all, it went well and we have the FMMs now.

Hook - 7-10-2012 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by mooose29
A few months back we crossed at Otay and it was super easy and quick, right on too Blvd 2000 after we got our stamps. We did have prepaid visas from Discover Baja which are a bit more expensive but well worth the convenience. Just get stamped and you are on your way. Took us 10 minutes for four of is and we were on our way south.

What about the Discover Baja FMM indicates that it has been paid? The receipt from the bank, stapled to the FMM, used to be the proof in 2010. You returned with the receipt and only then did INM give the final stamp.

I havent had an FMM in a few years, so bear with me.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 7-10-2012 at 12:52 PM

Hola david k,

i thank you for your posting. as usual, it was very informative.

my son and i and my 5 year old grandson are crossing on a tuesday around noon for our four day journey to san quintin to fish. would like to be earlier but my grandson arrives at LAX around 7 a.m.

as we cross at tj with our passports in hand, we'll park in the secondary and walk up to the immigration for our one week free fmm's and hopefully, it will be as easy as most other posters have quoted.

thank you again,


Marc - 7-11-2012 at 07:21 AM

Can you still cross the border in the far right lane and park across from the office? I have been crossing at Lukeville for the past few years. Very easy there.

David K - 7-29-2012 at 10:36 AM

A follow up... Nowhere during our 15 day/ 2,622 mile Mexico vacation did anyone ask to see our tourist cards. At the state border (Paralelo 28, near Guerrero Negro) we came to a stop at the Migra building, and the officer looked out from his doorway and waved us on. Coming back north on a different road, still no inspection of the FMM... well, there is nobody on the dirt roads in Baja that ask for them.

bajaguy - 7-29-2012 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by David K
A follow up... Nowhere during our 15 day/ 2,622 mile Mexico vacation did anyone ask to see our tourist cards. At the state border (Paralelo 28, near Guerrero Negro) we came to a stop at the Migra building, and the officer looked out from his doorway and waved us on. Coming back north on a different road, still no inspection of the FMM... well, there is nobody on the dirt roads in Baja that ask for them.


J.P. - 7-29-2012 at 11:36 AM

Originally posted by David K
A follow up... Nowhere during our 15 day/ 2,622 mile Mexico vacation did anyone ask to see our tourist cards. At the state border (Paralelo 28, near Guerrero Negro) we came to a stop at the Migra building, and the officer looked out from his doorway and waved us on. Coming back north on a different road, still no inspection of the FMM... well, there is nobody on the dirt roads in Baja that ask for them.

What are you trying to say David, dont get any paper's
I have lived in Baja 10 years and never been asked for my paper's does that mean all this time I have been throwing my money away.

David K - 7-29-2012 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I think he is saying nobody asked for his papers.
Exactly, it was a follow-up post. Even the official didnt want to see them by GN. This post was showing how to follow the rules.

TMW - 7-30-2012 at 01:51 PM

If one was to get the tourist card at Discover Baja could you just carry it with you until someone asked for it. It's my understanding that DB fills it out and takes the money but it needs stamped by a Baja Offical.

sancho - 7-30-2012 at 04:13 PM

Yes, a Prepaid fmm needs to be stamped at Mex
Immigration when crossing to set the 180 day
validation clock ticking. So it now makes no sense
to pay the extra $ for a prepaid fmm if the Mex Immigration
officer takes the fmm fee himself, although I'm a bit
leery of this, I might step down the bldg to the bank
teller myself. Mexicali always stamps my passport,
I return it when it is about to expire and get an
exit stamp, although I've herad it makes absoutely
no difference

TMW - 7-30-2012 at 05:37 PM

Where is the immigration office in Mexicali. At the main crossing.

David K - 7-30-2012 at 05:47 PM

On the left... Ken Cooke posted excellent photos of it a while back.

sancho - 7-31-2012 at 10:24 AM

The last Tourist Card I got, the Bank teller reciept
was stapled to it, in the past there been a couple
reports of Bank tellers being closed and the fmm still
being issued, and I presumed stamped, and the
Tourist told to pay the fee at a bank down the road at a bank
within 5 days or so. With the stipulation that without
the reciept the fmm wasn't valid. Seems to me, what DK
got was a stamped fmm, just like the fmm given
when the bank was closed. But I assume the Passport
entry stamp would trump any question as validation