
Media blackout of Yo Soy 132 protests

astrobaja - 7-10-2012 at 11:48 AM

Don't know if any are following the posts in the social media about the widespread protests all over Mexico speaking out against the election fraud. Not a surprise really considering how PRI has heavy influence over Televisa and other media outlets.

A lot of people feel this election was far dirtier than even the 2006 election.

For a taste of whats really going on check out the Yo Soy 132 official page

Ken Cooke - 7-10-2012 at 12:03 PM

I have been following it through the Spanish-language media on Facebook. I have some personal friends who are very unhappy with what took place.

astrobaja - 7-10-2012 at 01:11 PM

Yup us too Ken! We have one friend who stood in line in Ensenada for 3 hours only to find out she had already "voted" needless to say she was majorly infuriated!

Hook - 7-10-2012 at 01:21 PM

It's hit the main board in San Carlos. Judging by the pics, the amount of protesters is being lowballed incredibly. I'm seeing pics involving a few hundred thousand and thats just Mexico City.

The US press is "strangely" compliant, too.

desertcpl - 7-10-2012 at 01:24 PM

yes the US press is very quiet on this??

I wonder how this is going to play out,, the PRI does not have a very reputable past

bajaguy - 7-10-2012 at 01:34 PM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Yup us too Ken! We have one friend who stood in line in Ensenada for 3 hours only to find out she had already "voted" needless to say she was majorly infuriated!

Hmmmmmmmmm, didn't know was in Mexico :lol:

Ken Cooke - 7-10-2012 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by astrobaja
Yup us too Ken! We have one friend who stood in line in Ensenada for 3 hours only to find out she had already "voted" needless to say she was majorly infuriated!

Wow! No wonder so many people in Mexico are protesting.

bigmike58 - 7-10-2012 at 03:03 PM

My informal polling data the weekend of the election was 60% pena nieto and about 15% Josefina and about double her numbers or so for the other dude Obrador... This was for the 30 or so Mexicans around Mulege that I spoke with. This poll is not scientific unless of course you are a Nieto supporter. Let's see if this gets spread around as fact..LOL... Seems to me that there were a bunch of cry babies screaming foul when Bush beat the founder of the internet Gore in Florida..but I could be wrong.;D

Priorities in the News

MrBillM - 7-10-2012 at 03:39 PM

The (usual and inevitable) whining over election results in Mexico had to be lightly-covered due to myriad news items of far more significance to the general populace.

One of many that were more worthwhile of coverage was the change in official status of Natalie Wood's death.

And, the death of that celebrity chef. Whatever his name was.

woody with a view - 7-10-2012 at 03:45 PM

a funny thing happened on voting day in BOLA. i thought alcohol sales were taboo on election day so, knowing that, i promptly forgot to re-up on saturday. when we hit the road for the PacSide on sunday we hit up a certain vendor who was happy to provide us with a case of caguamas.

it was bidniz as usual. :?:

Bajafun777 - 7-10-2012 at 06:39 PM

Obama is going to go before the Mexican Congress and complain about Mexico's politics! Just kidding that was Calderon with our Congress, huh?LOL This is the same thing that happened last election and it was PAN then, so now it is PRI does it really matter? Seems like we had the same thing happen between Al Gore and George Bush with hundreds of thousands upset here in the USA, so again does it really matter? If you are going to run with the Big Dogs make sure you have lots of money and power to compete with them! Take Care & Travel Safe---"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

thebajarunner - 7-10-2012 at 07:34 PM

The spread was far too wide for it to be fraud,
The yahoos always love to howl at the moon after they lose,
and they lost,
PAN had a great opportunity, and blew it.

The US economy sucks, but the peso has not been able to hold any kind of grip against the dollar, and that tells you just how weak they have operated.

Maybe AlGore can invent another instant recount and save the day,
that is his specialty,
oh, and stuffing down the donuts.....

bacquito - 7-10-2012 at 08:02 PM

I thought the elections were fair and the better prepared candidate won.
The students (Soy 132) are upset because they fear a return of the "Old PRI".
I have not been impressed by AMLO, he seems to complain alot rather then put forth positive ideas.
The USA has not commented much about the elections because they most likely feel the elections were fair.