
BAJA appears safe

scouter - 7-16-2012 at 10:40 AM

DavidE - 7-16-2012 at 12:01 PM

They are not unwanted. Get clear on this. The cartels are invited. The red carpet rolls out for them. Money is no object. People get down on their hands and knees and pray every day that it will continue.

Cheap Méxican dope at any price! They demand it! They will drive across town and save a nickel a gallon on gasoline and continue to buy Mexican dope. If pot were legalized and sold for ten dollars an ounce, the cartels would sell it for five. If heroin were legalized and cocaine, and sold for ten dollars a gram, the cartels would sell it for five. There will still be long lines for Mexican dope. You will still get burgled, and strong-arm robbed. But your dollar will go further.

Mexican cartels have the best that America's money can purchase. When you feed e coli 409-1 with enriched manure, don't expect licorice.

motoged - 7-16-2012 at 01:55 PM

Baja is incredibly dangerous. :wow::wow:

Why, just a year or so ago DT Bushpilot and I were minding our own business scooting along the pleasant silt ponds (i.e road) north of San Juanico when I had my first chupacabra experience.

The beast leaped out from behind a lovely chollo patch and bit down hard on my ankle.

DT was calm about it, told me to change my skirt and ride along to Rice and Beans in San Ignacio and have a beer and taco....(he is impatient with wimpering whiners)...