
Online Mex fishing license

dizzyspots - 7-18-2012 at 03:59 PM

Has anybody had recent experience on the online site? I forgot my password and have run circles around the license website with temporary passwords, "your account is inactive"...entered last years license number..."your data has changed, check your email"...that email is already registered" etc etc etc tried using wifes email..NEVER used it before: that email is already in use HELP?
or do I just give up and buy it in person in San Felipe?

thanks in advance

jeffg - 7-18-2012 at 04:52 PM

I had that same problem a year or so ago. It seems to be a black hole with no way out. The way I solved it was to set up a new email address with yahoo (or gmail, hotmail, whatever). Then I registered again with the new email address. It's worked for me ever since, (but I do have trouble remembering the email address that I used).